Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for the United States, Regions, and States: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2022
Geographic Area April 1, 2020 Estimates Base Population Estimate
 (as of July 1)
2020 2021 2022
United States 331,449,520 331,511,512 332,031,554 333,287,557
Northeast 57,609,156 57,448,898 57,259,257 57,040,406
Midwest 68,985,537 68,961,043 68,836,505 68,787,595
South 126,266,262 126,450,613 127,346,029 128,716,192
West 78,588,565 78,650,958 78,589,763 78,743,364
.Alabama 5,024,356 5,031,362 5,049,846 5,074,296
.Alaska 733,378 732,923 734,182 733,583
.Arizona 7,151,507 7,179,943 7,264,877 7,359,197
.Arkansas 3,011,555 3,014,195 3,028,122 3,045,637
.California 39,538,245 39,501,653 39,142,991 39,029,342
.Colorado 5,773,733 5,784,865 5,811,297 5,839,926
.Connecticut 3,605,942 3,597,362 3,623,355 3,626,205
.Delaware 989,957 992,114 1,004,807 1,018,396
.District of Columbia 689,546 670,868 668,791 671,803
.Florida 21,538,226 21,589,602 21,828,069 22,244,823
.Georgia 10,711,937 10,729,828 10,788,029 10,912,876
.Hawaii 1,455,273 1,451,043 1,447,154 1,440,196
.Idaho 1,839,092 1,849,202 1,904,314 1,939,033
.Illinois 12,812,545 12,786,580 12,686,469 12,582,032
.Indiana 6,785,668 6,788,799 6,813,532 6,833,037
.Iowa 3,190,372 3,190,571 3,197,689 3,200,517
.Kansas 2,937,847 2,937,919 2,937,922 2,937,150
.Kentucky 4,505,893 4,507,445 4,506,589 4,512,310
.Louisiana 4,657,749 4,651,664 4,627,098 4,590,241
.Maine 1,362,341 1,363,557 1,377,238 1,385,340
.Maryland 6,177,213 6,173,205 6,174,610 6,164,660
.Massachusetts 7,029,949 6,995,729 6,989,690 6,981,974
.Michigan 10,077,325 10,069,577 10,037,504 10,034,113
.Minnesota 5,706,504 5,709,852 5,711,471 5,717,184
.Mississippi 2,961,288 2,958,141 2,949,586 2,940,057
.Missouri 6,154,920 6,153,998 6,169,823 6,177,957
.Montana 1,084,197 1,087,075 1,106,227 1,122,867
.Nebraska 1,961,489 1,962,642 1,963,554 1,967,923
.Nevada 3,104,624 3,115,648 3,146,402 3,177,772
.New Hampshire 1,377,518 1,378,587 1,387,505 1,395,231
.New Jersey 9,289,031 9,271,689 9,267,961 9,261,699
.New Mexico 2,117,527 2,118,390 2,116,677 2,113,344
.New York 20,201,230 20,108,296 19,857,492 19,677,151
.North Carolina 10,439,414 10,449,445 10,565,885 10,698,973
.North Dakota 779,091 779,518 777,934 779,261
.Ohio 11,799,374 11,797,517 11,764,342 11,756,058
.Oklahoma 3,959,346 3,964,912 3,991,225 4,019,800
.Oregon 4,237,291 4,244,795 4,256,301 4,240,137
.Pennsylvania 13,002,689 12,994,440 13,012,059 12,972,008
.Rhode Island 1,097,371 1,096,345 1,096,985 1,093,734
.South Carolina 5,118,429 5,131,848 5,193,266 5,282,634
.South Dakota 886,677 887,799 896,164 909,824
.Tennessee 6,910,786 6,925,619 6,968,351 7,051,339
.Texas 29,145,428 29,232,474 29,558,864 30,029,572
.Utah 3,271,614 3,283,785 3,339,113 3,380,800
.Vermont 643,085 642,893 646,972 647,064
.Virginia 8,631,384 8,636,471 8,657,365 8,683,619
.Washington 7,705,247 7,724,031 7,740,745 7,785,786
.West Virginia 1,793,755 1,791,420 1,785,526 1,775,156
.Wisconsin 5,893,725 5,896,271 5,880,101 5,892,539
.Wyoming 576,837 577,605 579,483 581,381
Table 2. Estimates of Resident Population Change for the United States, Regions, and States,and Rankings:
 July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2022
Geographic Area Population Estimate
(as of July 1)
Change, 2021 to 2022 National Ranking of Regions and States
Population Estimate
(as of July 1)
Change, 2021 to 2022
2021 2022 Number Percent 2021 2022 Number Percent
United States 332,031,554 333,287,557 1,256,003 0.4 (X) (X) (X) (X)
Northeast 57,259,257 57,040,406 -218,851 -0.4 4 4 4 4
Midwest 68,836,505 68,787,595 -48,910 -0.1 3 3 3 3
South 127,346,029 128,716,192 1,370,163 1.1 1 1 1 1
West 78,589,763 78,743,364 153,601 0.2 2 2 2 2
.Alabama 5,049,846 5,074,296 24,450 0.5 24 24 15 20
.Alaska 734,182 733,583 -599 -0.1 48 48 34 38
.Arizona 7,264,877 7,359,197 94,320 1.3 14 14 5 8
.Arkansas 3,028,122 3,045,637 17,515 0.6 33 33 17 17
.California 39,142,991 39,029,342 -113,649 -0.3 1 1 50 42
.Colorado 5,811,297 5,839,926 28,629 0.5 21 21 12 19
.Connecticut 3,623,355 3,626,205 2,850 0.1 29 29 29 32
.Delaware 1,004,807 1,018,396 13,589 1.4 45 45 20 7
.District of Columbia 668,791 671,803 3,012 0.5 49 49 28 21
.Florida 21,828,069 22,244,823 416,754 1.9 3 3 2 1
.Georgia 10,788,029 10,912,876 124,847 1.2 8 8 4 12
.Hawaii 1,447,154 1,440,196 -6,958 -0.5 40 40 40 47
.Idaho 1,904,314 1,939,033 34,719 1.8 38 38 10 2
.Illinois 12,686,469 12,582,032 -104,437 -0.8 6 6 49 50
.Indiana 6,813,532 6,833,037 19,505 0.3 17 17 16 24
.Iowa 3,197,689 3,200,517 2,828 0.1 31 31 30 31
.Kansas 2,937,922 2,937,150 -772 0.0 35 35 35 34
.Kentucky 4,506,589 4,512,310 5,721 0.1 26 26 25 29
.Louisiana 4,627,098 4,590,241 -36,857 -0.8 25 25 47 49
.Maine 1,377,238 1,385,340 8,102 0.6 42 42 23 15
.Maryland 6,174,610 6,164,660 -9,950 -0.2 18 19 44 41
.Massachusetts 6,989,690 6,981,974 -7,716 -0.1 15 16 41 39
.Michigan 10,037,504 10,034,113 -3,391 0.0 10 10 38 35
.Minnesota 5,711,471 5,717,184 5,713 0.1 22 22 26 30
.Mississippi 2,949,586 2,940,057 -9,529 -0.3 34 34 43 45
.Missouri 6,169,823 6,177,957 8,134 0.1 19 18 22 28
.Montana 1,106,227 1,122,867 16,640 1.5 43 43 18 6
.Nebraska 1,963,554 1,967,923 4,369 0.2 37 37 27 25
.Nevada 3,146,402 3,177,772 31,370 1.0 32 32 11 13
.New Hampshire 1,387,505 1,395,231 7,726 0.6 41 41 24 18
.New Jersey 9,267,961 9,261,699 -6,262 -0.1 11 11 39 36
.New Mexico 2,116,677 2,113,344 -3,333 -0.2 36 36 37 40
.New York 19,857,492 19,677,151 -180,341 -0.9 4 4 51 51
.North Carolina 10,565,885 10,698,973 133,088 1.3 9 9 3 9
.North Dakota 777,934 779,261 1,327 0.2 47 47 32 27
.Ohio 11,764,342 11,756,058 -8,284 -0.1 7 7 42 37
.Oklahoma 3,991,225 4,019,800 28,575 0.7 28 28 13 14
.Oregon 4,256,301 4,240,137 -16,164 -0.4 27 27 46 46
.Pennsylvania 13,012,059 12,972,008 -40,051 -0.3 5 5 48 44
.Rhode Island 1,096,985 1,093,734 -3,251 -0.3 44 44 36 43
.South Carolina 5,193,266 5,282,634 89,368 1.7 23 23 6 3
.South Dakota 896,164 909,824 13,660 1.5 46 46 19 5
.Tennessee 6,968,351 7,051,339 82,988 1.2 16 15 7 11
.Texas 29,558,864 30,029,572 470,708 1.6 2 2 1 4
.Utah 3,339,113 3,380,800 41,687 1.2 30 30 9 10
.Vermont 646,972 647,064 92 0.0 50 50 33 33
.Virginia 8,657,365 8,683,619 26,254 0.3 12 12 14 23
.Washington 7,740,745 7,785,786 45,041 0.6 13 13 8 16
.West Virginia 1,785,526 1,775,156 -10,370 -0.6 39 39 45 48
.Wisconsin 5,880,101 5,892,539 12,438 0.2 20 20 21 26
.Wyoming 579,483 581,381 1,898 0.3 51 51 31 22
(X) Not applicable.  
Table 3. Estimates of the Components of Resident Population Change: July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2022
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Vital Events Net Migration
Births Deaths Total International2 Domestic
United States 1,256,003 245,080 3,688,179 3,443,099 1,010,923 1,010,923 (X)
Northeast -218,851 29,215 593,222 564,007 -246,272 214,464 -460,736
Midwest -48,910 -8,638 759,934 768,572 -28,781 145,268 -174,049
South 1,370,163 70,098 1,476,296 1,406,198 1,282,675 414,740 867,935
West 153,601 154,405 858,727 704,322 3,301 236,451 -233,150
.Alabama 24,450 -8,590 58,280 66,870 33,206 4,597 28,609
.Alaska -599 3,092 9,488 6,396 -3,755 2,371 -6,126
.Arizona 94,320 -566 78,763 79,329 93,203 22,219 70,984
.Arkansas 17,515 -3,936 36,251 40,187 21,523 3,314 18,209
.California -113,649 106,155 424,652 318,497 -217,515 125,715 -343,230
.Colorado 28,629 13,705 63,086 49,381 15,742 10,366 5,376
.Connecticut 2,850 916 35,818 34,902 2,749 16,296 -13,547
.Delaware 13,589 -718 10,744 11,462 14,277 2,451 11,826
.District of Columbia 3,012 2,540 8,096 5,556 911 4,558 -3,647
.Florida 416,754 -40,216 220,578 260,794 444,484 125,629 318,855
.Georgia 124,847 16,181 125,538 109,357 108,691 27,285 81,406
.Hawaii -6,958 2,460 15,788 13,328 -9,427 5,785 -15,212
.Idaho 34,719 3,686 22,524 18,838 30,483 1,844 28,639
.Illinois -104,437 4,866 131,491 126,625 -110,127 31,529 -141,656
.Indiana 19,505 1,024 80,214 79,190 20,720 15,490 5,230
.Iowa 2,828 1,559 36,928 35,369 2,056 9,348 -7,292
.Kansas -772 2,008 34,968 32,960 -1,925 5,484 -7,409
.Kentucky 5,721 -8,358 52,496 60,854 14,875 4,455 10,420
.Louisiana -36,857 1,157 57,152 55,995 -38,566 8,106 -46,672
.Maine 8,102 -5,943 12,030 17,973 14,125 2,525 11,600
.Maryland -9,950 11,563 69,130 57,567 -21,345 23,756 -45,101
.Massachusetts -7,716 6,303 70,019 63,716 -13,412 43,880 -57,292
.Michigan -3,391 -12,482 105,157 117,639 10,330 18,812 -8,482
.Minnesota 5,713 11,617 64,821 53,204 -5,206 14,194 -19,400
.Mississippi -9,529 -4,954 35,060 40,014 -4,123 1,593 -5,716
.Missouri 8,134 -5,994 69,255 75,249 15,082 10,058 5,024
.Montana 16,640 -1,686 11,173 12,859 17,804 1,801 16,003
.Nebraska 4,369 5,105 24,376 19,271 -252 4,018 -4,270
.Nevada 31,370 392 33,784 33,392 30,944 10,163 20,781
.New Hampshire 7,726 -2,030 12,670 14,700 10,203 3,900 6,303
.New Jersey -6,262 19,751 102,555 82,804 -24,843 39,388 -64,231
.New Mexico -3,333 -4,295 20,955 25,250 1,389 5,893 -4,504
.New York -180,341 35,611 212,145 176,534 -221,634 77,923 -299,557
.North Carolina 133,088 6,459 122,179 115,720 126,226 26,430 99,796
.North Dakota 1,327 2,799 10,164 7,365 -1,442 1,268 -2,710
.Ohio -8,284 -19,543 129,529 149,072 14,947 24,112 -9,165
.Oklahoma 28,575 -3,283 48,107 51,390 32,528 5,737 26,791
.Oregon -16,164 -5,089 41,143 46,232 -10,305 7,026 -17,331
.Pennsylvania -40,051 -23,021 132,099 155,120 -13,216 26,741 -39,957
.Rhode Island -3,251 -566 10,544 11,110 -2,397 2,799 -5,196
.South Carolina 89,368 -7,460 57,071 64,531 94,684 10,654 84,030
.South Dakota 13,660 2,161 11,392 9,231 11,205 2,781 8,424
.Tennessee 82,988 -9,213 81,970 91,183 89,742 8,096 81,646
.Texas 470,708 118,159 379,412 261,253 349,575 118,614 230,961
.Utah 41,687 23,549 46,912 23,363 18,312 5,414 12,898
.Vermont 92 -1,806 5,342 7,148 2,153 1,012 1,141
.Virginia 26,254 12,925 96,748 83,823 13,740 37,692 -23,952
.Washington 45,041 13,492 84,270 70,778 33,932 37,512 -3,580
.West Virginia -10,370 -12,158 17,484 29,642 2,247 1,773 474
.Wisconsin 12,438 -1,758 61,639 63,397 15,831 8,174 7,657
.Wyoming 1,898 -490 6,189 6,679 2,494 342 2,152
(X) Not applicable. 
Table 4. Cumulative Estimates of the Components of Resident Population Change: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2022
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Vital Events Net Migration
Births Deaths Total International2 Domestic
United States 1,838,037 431,192 8,164,738 7,733,546 1,406,845 1,406,845 (X)
Northeast -568,750 -5,705 1,312,124 1,317,829 -553,194 299,344 -852,538
Midwest -197,942 -19,096 1,697,765 1,716,861 -192,192 203,644 -395,836
South 2,449,930 125,506 3,250,442 3,124,936 2,316,894 578,919 1,737,975
West 154,799 330,487 1,904,407 1,573,920 -164,663 324,938 -489,601
.Alabama 49,940 -21,832 129,259 151,091 71,884 6,529 65,355
.Alaska 205 8,432 21,355 12,923 -8,106 3,306 -11,412
.Arizona 207,690 -5,532 172,257 177,789 212,851 30,489 182,362
.Arkansas 34,082 -8,980 79,874 88,854 42,809 4,754 38,055
.California -508,903 201,459 939,969 738,510 -699,904 171,223 -871,127
.Colorado 66,193 32,810 140,739 107,929 32,506 14,522 17,984
.Connecticut 20,263 -3,287 78,179 81,466 22,847 22,923 -76
.Delaware 28,439 -2,099 23,543 25,642 30,573 3,454 27,119
.District of Columbia -17,743 5,194 18,587 13,393 -19,856 6,354 -26,210
.Florida 706,597 -89,047 478,834 567,881 797,809 175,333 622,476
.Georgia 200,939 33,065 276,771 243,706 166,266 38,177 128,089
.Hawaii -15,077 6,842 35,141 28,299 -21,731 7,953 -29,684
.Idaho 99,941 10,313 49,863 39,550 91,246 2,599 88,647
.Illinois -230,513 6,349 296,603 290,254 -238,576 43,472 -282,048
.Indiana 47,369 1,251 177,200 175,949 44,591 21,897 22,694
.Iowa 10,145 3,049 82,052 79,003 6,371 13,248 -6,877
.Kansas -697 5,063 77,759 72,696 -6,711 7,681 -14,392
.Kentucky 6,417 -15,426 116,529 131,955 20,430 6,328 14,102
.Louisiana -67,508 414 127,830 127,416 -68,797 11,481 -80,278
.Maine 22,999 -11,179 26,607 37,786 34,237 3,595 30,642
.Maryland -12,553 20,341 153,727 133,386 -34,987 33,300 -68,287
.Massachusetts -47,975 6,157 153,672 147,515 -49,603 61,263 -110,866
.Michigan -43,212 -29,226 234,482 263,708 -16,923 26,265 -43,188
.Minnesota 10,680 26,917 144,350 117,433 -17,365 20,012 -37,377
.Mississippi -21,231 -12,601 78,535 91,136 -9,125 2,283 -11,408
.Missouri 23,037 -12,195 155,271 167,466 34,423 14,190 20,233
.Montana 38,670 -2,710 24,791 27,501 41,598 2,557 39,041
.Nebraska 6,434 11,404 54,682 43,278 -5,414 5,694 -11,108
.Nevada 73,148 2,403 75,239 72,836 70,228 13,911 56,317
.New Hampshire 17,713 -4,099 27,771 31,870 21,568 5,530 16,038
.New Jersey -27,332 24,198 225,069 200,871 -52,712 55,037 -107,749
.New Mexico -4,183 -7,845 47,605 55,450 3,253 8,311 -5,058
.New York -524,079 44,830 471,030 426,200 -556,885 108,036 -664,921
.North Carolina 259,559 10,940 267,681 256,741 248,898 37,031 211,867
.North Dakota 170 5,846 22,785 16,939 -5,434 1,752 -7,186
.Ohio -43,316 -39,559 290,090 329,649 -6,004 33,911 -39,915
.Oklahoma 60,454 -5,435 107,055 112,490 64,907 8,100 56,807
.Oregon 2,846 -6,562 91,159 97,721 9,036 9,812 -776
.Pennsylvania -30,681 -56,154 294,979 351,133 21,346 37,564 -16,218
.Rhode Island -3,637 -2,743 23,103 25,846 -1,333 3,948 -5,281
.South Carolina 164,205 -17,582 126,154 143,736 180,965 15,017 165,948
.South Dakota 23,147 4,170 25,291 21,121 18,655 3,944 14,711
.Tennessee 140,553 -18,994 180,491 199,485 157,821 11,418 146,403
.Texas 884,144 243,520 831,637 588,117 639,314 164,062 475,252
.Utah 109,186 54,182 104,519 50,337 54,712 7,587 47,125
.Vermont 3,979 -3,428 11,714 15,142 7,341 1,448 5,893
.Virginia 52,235 27,930 214,851 186,921 22,987 52,762 -29,775
.Washington 80,539 36,938 187,840 150,902 44,796 52,172 -7,376
.West Virginia -18,599 -23,902 39,084 62,986 4,996 2,536 2,460
.Wisconsin -1,186 -2,165 137,200 139,365 195 11,578 -11,383
.Wyoming 4,544 -243 13,930 14,173 4,852 496 4,356
(X) Not applicable. 
1 Total population change includes a residual. This residual represents the change in population that cannot be attributed to any specific demographic component. See Population Estimates Terms and Definitions at
2 Net international migration for the United States includes the international migration of both U.S.-born and non-U.S.-born populations. Specifically, it includes: (a) the net international migration of the non-U.S. born, (b) the net migration of U.S. born to and from the United States, (c) the net migration between the United States and Puerto Rico, and (d) the net movement of the Armed Forces population between the United States and overseas.
Note: The estimates are developed from a base that incorporates the 2020 Census, Vintage 2020 estimates, and (for the U.S. only) 2020 Demographic Analysis estimates. For population estimates methodology statements, see See Geographic Terms and Definitions at for a list of the states that are included in each region. All geographic boundaries for the 2022 population estimates series are as of January 1, 2022.
Suggested Citation:
Annual and Cumulative Estimates of the Components of Resident Population Change for the United States, Regions, States, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico:  April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2022 (NST-EST2022-COMP)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division
Release Date: December 2022