table with row headers in column A and column headers in rows 3 through 4. (leading dots indicate sub-parts)
Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Population for the United States, Regions, and States:       April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011
Geographic Area April 1, 2010 Population Estimates (as of July 1)        
Census Estimates Base 2010 2011
United States 308,745,538 308,745,538 309,330,219 311,591,917
Northeast 55,317,240 55,317,244 55,366,108 55,521,598
Midwest 66,927,001 66,926,987 66,976,458 67,158,835
South 114,555,744 114,555,757 114,857,529 116,046,736
West 71,945,553 71,945,550 72,130,124 72,864,748
.Alabama 4,779,736 4,779,735 4,785,401 4,802,740
.Alaska 710,231 710,231 714,146 722,718
.Arizona 6,392,017 6,392,013 6,413,158 6,482,505
.Arkansas 2,915,918 2,915,921 2,921,588 2,937,979
.California 37,253,956 37,253,956 37,338,198 37,691,912
.Colorado 5,029,196 5,029,196 5,047,692 5,116,796
.Connecticut 3,574,097 3,574,097 3,575,498 3,580,709
.Delaware 897,934 897,934 899,792 907,135
.District of Columbia 601,723 601,723 604,912 617,996
.Florida 18,801,310 18,801,311 18,838,613 19,057,542
.Georgia 9,687,653 9,687,660 9,712,157 9,815,210
.Hawaii 1,360,301 1,360,301 1,363,359 1,374,810
.Idaho 1,567,582 1,567,582 1,571,102 1,584,985
.Illinois 12,830,632 12,830,632 12,841,980 12,869,257
.Indiana 6,483,802 6,483,800 6,490,622 6,516,922
.Iowa 3,046,355 3,046,350 3,050,202 3,062,309
.Kansas 2,853,118 2,853,118 2,859,143 2,871,238
.Kentucky 4,339,367 4,339,362 4,347,223 4,369,356
.Louisiana 4,533,372 4,533,372 4,545,343 4,574,836
.Maine 1,328,361 1,328,361 1,327,379 1,328,188
.Maryland 5,773,552 5,773,552 5,785,681 5,828,289
.Massachusetts 6,547,629 6,547,629 6,555,466 6,587,536
.Michigan 9,883,640 9,883,635 9,877,143 9,876,187
.Minnesota 5,303,925 5,303,925 5,310,658 5,344,861
.Mississippi 2,967,297 2,967,297 2,970,072 2,978,512
.Missouri 5,988,927 5,988,927 5,995,715 6,010,688
.Montana 989,415 989,415 990,958 998,199
.Nebraska 1,826,341 1,826,341 1,830,141 1,842,641
.Nevada 2,700,551 2,700,551 2,704,283 2,723,322
.New Hampshire 1,316,470 1,316,472 1,316,807 1,318,194
.New Jersey 8,791,894 8,791,894 8,799,593 8,821,155
.New Mexico 2,059,179 2,059,180 2,065,913 2,082,224
.New York 19,378,102 19,378,104 19,395,206 19,465,197
.North Carolina 9,535,483 9,535,475 9,560,234 9,656,401
.North Dakota 672,591 672,591 674,629 683,932
.Ohio 11,536,504 11,536,502 11,537,968 11,544,951
.Oklahoma 3,751,351 3,751,354 3,760,184 3,791,508
.Oregon 3,831,074 3,831,074 3,838,332 3,871,859
.Pennsylvania 12,702,379 12,702,379 12,717,722 12,742,886
.Rhode Island 1,052,567 1,052,567 1,052,528 1,051,302
.South Carolina 4,625,364 4,625,364 4,637,106 4,679,230
.South Dakota 814,180 814,180 816,598 824,082
.Tennessee 6,346,105 6,346,110 6,357,436 6,403,353
.Texas 25,145,561 25,145,561 25,253,466 25,674,681
.Utah 2,763,885 2,763,885 2,775,479 2,817,222
.Vermont 625,741 625,741 625,909 626,431
.Virginia 8,001,024 8,001,030 8,023,953 8,096,604
.Washington 6,724,540 6,724,540 6,742,950 6,830,038
.West Virginia 1,852,994 1,852,996 1,854,368 1,855,364
.Wisconsin 5,686,986 5,686,986 5,691,659 5,711,767
.Wyoming 563,626 563,626 564,554 568,158
Table 2. Cumulative Estimates of Resident Population Change for the United States, Regions, and States, and Region and State Rankings:               April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011
.Geographic Area Population Estimates Change, 2010 to 2011 National Ranking of Regions and States
Population Estimates Change, 2010 to 2011
April 1, 2010 Estimates Base July 1, 2011 Number Percent April 1, 2010 Estimates Base July 1, 2011 Number Percent
United States 308,745,538 311,591,917 2,846,379 0.9 (X) (X) (X) (X)
Northeast 55,317,244 55,521,598 204,354 0.4 4 4 4 3
Midwest 66,926,987 67,158,835 231,848 0.3 3 3 3 4
South 114,555,757 116,046,736 1,490,979 1.3 1 1 1 1
West 71,945,550 72,864,748 919,198 1.3 2 2 2 2
.Alabama 4,779,735 4,802,740 23,005 0.5 23 23 27 36
.Alaska 710,231 722,718 12,487 1.8 47 47 37 4
.Arizona 6,392,013 6,482,505 90,492 1.4 16 16 8 8
.Arkansas 2,915,921 2,937,979 22,058 0.8 32 32 29 30
.California 37,253,956 37,691,912 437,956 1.2 1 1 2 14
.Colorado 5,029,196 5,116,796 87,600 1.7 22 22 9 5
.Connecticut 3,574,097 3,580,709 6,612 0.2 29 29 44 44
.Delaware 897,934 907,135 9,201 1.0 45 45 41 21
.District of Columbia 601,723 617,996 16,273 2.7 50 50 34 1
.Florida 18,801,311 19,057,542 256,231 1.4 4 4 3 9
.Georgia 9,687,660 9,815,210 127,550 1.3 9 9 4 10
.Hawaii 1,360,301 1,374,810 14,509 1.1 40 40 36 19
.Idaho 1,567,582 1,584,985 17,403 1.1 39 39 32 17
.Illinois 12,830,632 12,869,257 38,625 0.3 5 5 21 43
.Indiana 6,483,800 6,516,922 33,122 0.5 15 15 22 35
.Iowa 3,046,350 3,062,309 15,959 0.5 30 30 35 34
.Kansas 2,853,118 2,871,238 18,120 0.6 33 33 31 32
.Kentucky 4,339,362 4,369,356 29,994 0.7 26 26 23 31
.Louisiana 4,533,372 4,574,836 41,464 0.9 25 25 15 23
.Maine 1,328,361 1,328,188 -173 - 41 41 49 49
.Maryland 5,773,552 5,828,289 54,737 0.9 19 19 12 22
.Massachusetts 6,547,629 6,587,536 39,907 0.6 14 14 20 33
.Michigan 9,883,635 9,876,187 -7,448 -0.1 8 8 51 50
.Minnesota 5,303,925 5,344,861 40,936 0.8 21 21 16 29
.Mississippi 2,967,297 2,978,512 11,215 0.4 31 31 39 39
.Missouri 5,988,927 6,010,688 21,761 0.4 18 18 30 40
.Montana 989,415 998,199 8,784 0.9 44 44 42 26
.Nebraska 1,826,341 1,842,641 16,300 0.9 38 38 33 25
.Nevada 2,700,551 2,723,322 22,771 0.8 35 35 28 27
.New Hampshire 1,316,472 1,318,194 1,722 0.1 42 42 47 45
.New Jersey 8,791,894 8,821,155 29,261 0.3 11 11 24 41
.New Mexico 2,059,180 2,082,224 23,044 1.1 36 36 26 16
.New York 19,378,104 19,465,197 87,093 0.4 3 3 10 37
.North Carolina 9,535,475 9,656,401 120,926 1.3 10 10 5 11
.North Dakota 672,591 683,932 11,341 1.7 48 48 38 6
.Ohio 11,536,502 11,544,951 8,449 0.1 7 7 43 48
.Oklahoma 3,751,354 3,791,508 40,154 1.1 28 28 19 18
.Oregon 3,831,074 3,871,859 40,785 1.1 27 27 17 20
.Pennsylvania 12,702,379 12,742,886 40,507 0.3 6 6 18 42
.Rhode Island 1,052,567 1,051,302 -1,265 -0.1 43 43 50 51
.South Carolina 4,625,364 4,679,230 53,866 1.2 24 24 13 15
.South Dakota 814,180 824,082 9,902 1.2 46 46 40 12
.Tennessee 6,346,110 6,403,353 57,243 0.9 17 17 11 24
.Texas 25,145,561 25,674,681 529,120 2.1 2 2 1 2
.Utah 2,763,885 2,817,222 53,337 1.9 34 34 14 3
.Vermont 625,741 626,431 690 0.1 49 49 48 47
.Virginia 8,001,030 8,096,604 95,574 1.2 12 12 7 13
.Washington 6,724,540 6,830,038 105,498 1.6 13 13 6 7
.West Virginia 1,852,996 1,855,364 2,368 0.1 37 37 46 46
.Wisconsin 5,686,986 5,711,767 24,781 0.4 20 20 25 38
.Wyoming 563,626 568,158 4,532 0.8 51 51 45 28
Table 3. Estimates of Resident Population Change for the United States, Regions, and States, and Region and State Rankings:                               July 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011
.Geographic Area Population Estimates (as of July 1) Change, 2010 to 2011 National Ranking of Regions and States
Population Estimates (as of July 1) Change, 2010 to 2011
2010 2011 Number Percent 2010 2011 Number Percent
United States 309,330,219 311,591,917 2,261,698 0.7 (X) (X) (X) (X)
Northeast 55,366,108 55,521,598 155,490 0.3 4 4 4 3
Midwest 66,976,458 67,158,835 182,377 0.3 3 3 3 4
South 114,857,529 116,046,736 1,189,207 1.0 1 1 1 1
West 72,130,124 72,864,748 734,624 1.0 2 2 2 2
.Alabama 4,785,401 4,802,740 17,339 0.4 23 23 27 36
.Alaska 714,146 722,718 8,572 1.2 47 47 38 7
.Arizona 6,413,158 6,482,505 69,347 1.1 16 16 9 9
.Arkansas 2,921,588 2,937,979 16,391 0.6 32 32 28 30
.California 37,338,198 37,691,912 353,714 0.9 1 1 2 12
.Colorado 5,047,692 5,116,796 69,104 1.4 22 22 10 5
.Connecticut 3,575,498 3,580,709 5,211 0.1 29 29 44 44
.Delaware 899,792 907,135 7,343 0.8 45 45 41 20
.District of Columbia 604,912 617,996 13,084 2.2 50 50 32 1
.Florida 18,838,613 19,057,542 218,929 1.2 4 4 3 8
.Georgia 9,712,157 9,815,210 103,053 1.1 9 9 4 10
.Hawaii 1,363,359 1,374,810 11,451 0.8 40 40 36 18
.Idaho 1,571,102 1,584,985 13,883 0.9 39 39 31 16
.Illinois 12,841,980 12,869,257 27,277 0.2 5 5 20 42
.Indiana 6,490,622 6,516,922 26,300 0.4 15 15 21 34
.Iowa 3,050,202 3,062,309 12,107 0.4 30 30 34 35
.Kansas 2,859,143 2,871,238 12,095 0.4 33 33 35 33
.Kentucky 4,347,223 4,369,356 22,133 0.5 26 26 23 31
.Louisiana 4,545,343 4,574,836 29,493 0.6 25 25 19 27
.Maine 1,327,379 1,328,188 809 0.1 41 41 48 47
.Maryland 5,785,681 5,828,289 42,608 0.7 19 19 12 22
.Massachusetts 6,555,466 6,587,536 32,070 0.5 14 14 17 32
.Michigan 9,877,143 9,876,187 -956 - 8 8 50 50
.Minnesota 5,310,658 5,344,861 34,203 0.6 21 21 15 28
.Mississippi 2,970,072 2,978,512 8,440 0.3 31 31 39 39
.Missouri 5,995,715 6,010,688 14,973 0.2 18 18 30 40
.Montana 990,958 998,199 7,241 0.7 44 44 42 23
.Nebraska 1,830,141 1,842,641 12,500 0.7 38 38 33 26
.Nevada 2,704,283 2,723,322 19,039 0.7 35 35 26 25
.New Hampshire 1,316,807 1,318,194 1,387 0.1 42 42 46 45
.New Jersey 8,799,593 8,821,155 21,562 0.2 11 11 24 41
.New Mexico 2,065,913 2,082,224 16,311 0.8 36 36 29 21
.New York 19,395,206 19,465,197 69,991 0.4 3 3 8 37
.North Carolina 9,560,234 9,656,401 96,167 1.0 10 10 5 11
.North Dakota 674,629 683,932 9,303 1.4 48 48 37 4
.Ohio 11,537,968 11,544,951 6,983 0.1 7 7 43 48
.Oklahoma 3,760,184 3,791,508 31,324 0.8 28 28 18 19
.Oregon 3,838,332 3,871,859 33,527 0.9 27 27 16 17
.Pennsylvania 12,717,722 12,742,886 25,164 0.2 6 6 22 43
.Rhode Island 1,052,528 1,051,302 -1,226 -0.1 43 43 51 51
.South Carolina 4,637,106 4,679,230 42,124 0.9 24 24 13 14
.South Dakota 816,598 824,082 7,484 0.9 46 46 40 13
.Tennessee 6,357,436 6,403,353 45,917 0.7 17 17 11 24
.Texas 25,253,466 25,674,681 421,215 1.7 2 2 1 2
.Utah 2,775,479 2,817,222 41,743 1.5 34 34 14 3
.Vermont 625,909 626,431 522 0.1 49 49 49 46
.Virginia 8,023,953 8,096,604 72,651 0.9 12 12 7 15
.Washington 6,742,950 6,830,038 87,088 1.3 13 13 6 6
.West Virginia 1,854,368 1,855,364 996 0.1 37 37 47 49
.Wisconsin 5,691,659 5,711,767 20,108 0.4 20 20 25 38
.Wyoming 564,554 568,158 3,604 0.6 51 51 45 29
Table 4. Cumulative Estimates of the Components of Resident Population Change for the United States, Regions, and States:                April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Increase Vital Events Net Migration
Births Deaths Total International2 Domestic
United States 2,846,379 1,952,088 4,998,000 3,045,912 894,291 894,291 (X)
Northeast 204,354 234,524 805,096 570,572 -27,559 180,910 -208,469
Midwest 231,848 347,823 1,056,678 708,855 -115,267 109,887 -225,154
South 1,490,979 737,247 1,910,087 1,172,840 750,606 336,591 414,015
West 919,198 632,494 1,226,139 593,645 286,511 266,903 19,608
.Alabama 23,005 15,018 74,348 59,330 7,922 5,948 1,974
.Alaska 12,487 10,042 14,027 3,985 2,383 1,643 740
.Arizona 90,492 51,724 108,787 57,063 38,891 25,741 13,150
.Arkansas 22,058 12,137 47,374 35,237 9,853 4,129 5,724
.California 437,956 339,330 631,242 291,912 98,740 164,445 -65,705
.Colorado 87,600 44,193 82,666 38,473 42,899 11,704 31,195
.Connecticut 6,612 11,461 46,560 35,099 -4,634 12,214 -16,848
.Delaware 9,201 4,415 13,946 9,531 4,802 2,455 2,347
.District of Columbia 16,273 5,364 11,235 5,871 10,794 2,460 8,334
.Florida 256,231 51,475 264,829 213,354 205,193 86,437 118,756
.Georgia 127,550 79,524 166,852 87,328 47,182 29,456 17,726
.Hawaii 14,509 11,130 23,101 11,971 3,496 5,816 -2,320
.Idaho 17,403 14,923 28,743 13,820 2,429 2,685 -256
.Illinois 38,625 83,925 209,060 125,135 -45,403 34,055 -79,458
.Indiana 33,122 35,397 106,018 70,621 -2,226 9,186 -11,412
.Iowa 15,959 13,396 47,724 34,328 2,638 3,999 -1,361
.Kansas 18,120 20,480 49,977 29,497 -2,365 5,563 -7,928
.Kentucky 29,994 18,007 70,438 52,431 12,064 6,303 5,761
.Louisiana 41,464 28,989 79,540 50,551 12,179 5,094 7,085
.Maine -173 76 16,054 15,978 -181 819 -1,000
.Maryland 54,737 36,928 91,097 54,169 17,934 20,928 -2,994
.Massachusetts 39,907 26,644 91,957 65,313 13,684 24,570 -10,886
.Michigan -7,448 34,379 142,826 108,447 -42,018 15,216 -57,234
.Minnesota 40,936 37,305 85,067 47,762 3,807 11,880 -8,073
.Mississippi 11,215 14,626 49,979 35,353 -3,513 3,159 -6,672
.Missouri 21,761 26,799 94,510 67,711 -4,874 6,957 -11,831
.Montana 8,784 4,415 14,884 10,469 4,403 515 3,888
.Nebraska 16,300 14,067 32,307 18,240 2,299 3,276 -977
.Nevada 22,771 21,818 45,934 24,116 948 12,061 -11,113
.New Hampshire 1,722 3,858 15,986 12,128 -2,081 1,564 -3,645
.New Jersey 29,261 44,362 129,618 85,256 -14,936 39,162 -54,098
.New Mexico 23,044 16,224 35,620 19,396 6,761 4,559 2,202
.New York 87,093 121,100 304,098 182,998 -33,232 80,525 -113,757
.North Carolina 120,926 54,504 151,908 97,404 66,062 25,029 41,033
.North Dakota 11,341 4,099 11,240 7,141 7,156 788 6,368
.Ohio 8,449 41,869 176,295 134,426 -33,149 11,719 -44,868
.Oklahoma 40,154 24,635 67,093 42,458 15,405 6,472 8,933
.Oregon 40,785 18,816 57,969 39,153 22,134 8,498 13,636
.Pennsylvania 40,507 23,608 179,565 155,957 17,746 18,867 -1,121
.Rhode Island -1,265 2,337 13,773 11,436 -3,586 2,687 -6,273
.South Carolina 53,866 23,058 74,303 51,245 30,686 8,673 22,013
.South Dakota 9,902 6,630 14,731 8,101 3,300 690 2,610
.Tennessee 57,243 27,105 100,612 73,507 30,203 9,875 20,328
.Texas 529,120 288,479 493,650 205,171 238,956 93,641 145,315
.Utah 53,337 47,422 65,156 17,734 5,912 6,738 -826
.Vermont 690 1,078 7,485 6,407 -339 502 -841
.Virginia 95,574 54,234 127,114 72,880 41,156 25,618 15,538
.Washington 105,498 48,402 108,600 60,198 57,054 21,888 35,166
.West Virginia 2,368 -1,251 25,769 27,020 3,728 914 2,814
.Wisconsin 24,781 29,477 86,923 57,446 -4,432 6,558 -10,990
.Wyoming 4,532 4,055 9,410 5,355 461 610 -149
Table 5. Estimates of the Components of Resident Population Change for the United States, Regions, and States:                               July 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Increase Vital Events Net Migration
Births Deaths Total International2 Domestic
United States 2,261,698 1,557,874 4,008,000 2,450,126 703,824 703,824 (X)
Northeast 155,490 186,308 644,052 457,744 -29,190 143,923 -173,113
Midwest 182,377 274,777 844,948 570,171 -92,102 86,892 -178,994
South 1,189,207 590,025 1,534,432 944,407 596,698 262,273 334,425
West 734,624 506,764 984,568 477,804 228,418 210,736 17,682
.Alabama 17,339 12,098 59,866 47,768 5,157 4,461 696
.Alaska 8,572 7,855 11,193 3,338 702 1,101 -399
.Arizona 69,347 41,988 87,887 45,899 27,602 20,542 7,060
.Arkansas 16,391 9,678 38,156 28,478 6,658 3,178 3,480
.California 353,714 274,024 508,069 234,045 80,243 130,927 -50,684
.Colorado 69,104 35,090 66,213 31,123 33,737 8,797 24,940
.Connecticut 5,211 9,075 37,319 28,244 -3,758 9,735 -13,493
.Delaware 7,343 3,539 11,172 7,633 3,821 1,877 1,944
.District of Columbia 13,084 4,230 9,003 4,773 8,769 1,862 6,907
.Florida 218,929 42,035 213,292 171,257 176,634 68,295 108,339
.Georgia 103,053 63,754 134,442 70,688 38,796 22,947 15,849
.Hawaii 11,451 8,771 18,501 9,730 2,755 4,214 -1,459
.Idaho 13,883 11,679 22,954 11,275 2,136 2,074 62
.Illinois 27,277 66,349 167,000 100,651 -39,219 27,233 -66,452
.Indiana 26,300 28,233 84,732 56,499 -1,884 7,175 -9,059
.Iowa 12,107 10,429 38,324 27,895 1,694 3,150 -1,456
.Kansas 12,095 16,094 40,132 24,038 -4,015 4,237 -8,252
.Kentucky 22,133 14,502 56,447 41,945 7,686 4,845 2,841
.Louisiana 29,493 23,189 63,969 40,780 6,119 3,740 2,379
.Maine 809 180 12,868 12,688 666 594 72
.Maryland 42,608 29,389 72,995 43,606 13,311 16,435 -3,124
.Massachusetts 32,070 21,013 73,368 52,355 11,365 19,664 -8,299
.Michigan -956 26,906 113,894 86,988 -27,932 12,399 -40,331
.Minnesota 34,203 29,652 68,088 38,436 4,698 9,417 -4,719
.Mississippi 8,440 11,627 40,464 28,837 -3,303 2,385 -5,688
.Missouri 14,973 21,549 75,910 54,361 -6,486 5,319 -11,805
.Montana 7,241 3,282 11,911 8,629 3,965 387 3,578
.Nebraska 12,500 11,113 25,991 14,878 1,408 2,508 -1,100
.Nevada 19,039 17,399 36,772 19,373 1,671 9,679 -8,008
.New Hampshire 1,387 3,017 12,795 9,778 -1,598 1,165 -2,763
.New Jersey 21,562 35,971 104,343 68,372 -14,355 30,889 -45,244
.New Mexico 16,311 12,751 28,511 15,760 3,538 3,471 67
.New York 69,991 96,108 242,972 146,864 -25,626 64,716 -90,342
.North Carolina 96,167 43,962 122,131 78,169 51,896 18,955 32,941
.North Dakota 9,303 3,045 8,960 5,915 6,174 577 5,597
.Ohio 6,983 33,140 140,808 107,668 -26,012 9,186 -35,198
.Oklahoma 31,324 19,199 53,727 34,528 12,103 4,908 7,195
.Oregon 33,527 14,781 46,232 31,451 18,813 6,604 12,209
.Pennsylvania 25,164 18,268 143,420 125,152 7,468 14,714 -7,246
.Rhode Island -1,226 1,823 11,012 9,189 -3,049 2,040 -5,089
.South Carolina 42,124 18,378 59,522 41,144 23,627 6,440 17,187
.South Dakota 7,484 4,991 11,763 6,772 2,497 533 1,964
.Tennessee 45,917 21,653 80,536 58,883 24,275 7,608 16,667
.Texas 421,215 230,798 396,133 165,335 189,529 74,383 115,146
.Utah 41,743 37,689 52,003 14,314 4,087 5,336 -1,249
.Vermont 522 853 5,955 5,102 -303 406 -709
.Virginia 72,651 42,992 101,935 58,943 29,572 19,239 10,333
.Washington 87,088 38,333 86,767 48,434 48,684 17,144 31,540
.West Virginia 996 -998 20,642 21,640 2,048 715 1,333
.Wisconsin 20,108 23,276 69,346 46,070 -3,025 5,158 -8,183
.Wyoming 3,604 3,122 7,555 4,433 485 460 25
1 Total population change includes a residual.  This residual represents the change in population that cannot be attributed to any specific demographic component.  See State and County Terms and Definitions at
2Net international migration for the United States, regions, and states includes the international migration of both native and foreign-born populations. Specifically, it includes: (a) the net international migration of the foreign born, (b) the net migration between the United States and Puerto Rico, (c) the net migration of natives to and from the United States, and (d) the net movement of the Armed Forces population between the United States and overseas.  
(X) Not applicable.  
Note: The April 1, 2010 Population Estimates base reflects changes to the Census 2010 population from geographic program revisions.  It does not reflect changes from the Count Question Resolution program.  See Geographic Terms and Definitions at for a list of the states that are included in each region.
Note: See Geographic Terms and Definitions at for a list of the states that are included in each region.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division
Release Date: December 2011