Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Counties of Wyoming: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2023
Geographic Area April 1, 2020 Population Estimates Change, 7/1/22 to 7/1/23 Change, 4/1/20 to 7/1/23
Estimates Base July 1, 2020 July 1, 2021 July 1, 2022 July 1, 2023 Number Percent Number Percent
Wyoming 576,850 577,664 579,548 581,629 584,057 2,428 0.4 7,207 1.2
Albany 37,069 37,112 37,854 38,178 38,257 79 0.2 1,188 3.2
Big Horn 11,523 11,484 11,643 11,879 12,018 139 1.2 495 4.3
Campbell 47,030 47,147 46,543 47,059 47,498 439 0.9 468 1.0
Carbon 14,535 14,509 14,714 14,538 14,334 -204 -1.4 -201 -1.4
Converse 13,751 13,746 13,662 13,765 13,809 44 0.3 58 0.4
Crook 7,176 7,178 7,308 7,419 7,592 173 2.3 416 5.8
Fremont 39,235 39,202 39,416 39,566 39,815 249 0.6 580 1.5
Goshen 12,504 12,515 12,568 12,636 12,642 6 0.0 138 1.1
Hot Springs 4,619 4,621 4,595 4,623 4,661 38 0.8 42 0.9
Johnson 8,450 8,467 8,624 8,719 8,759 40 0.5 309 3.7
Laramie 100,512 100,730 100,827 100,781 100,984 203 0.2 472 0.5
Lincoln 19,582 19,658 20,173 20,671 20,880 209 1.0 1,298 6.6
Natrona 79,966 80,299 79,635 79,523 79,941 418 0.5 -25 0.0
Niobrara 2,471 2,454 2,416 2,348 2,354 6 0.3 -117 -4.7
Park 29,627 29,669 30,141 30,505 30,735 230 0.8 1,108 3.7
Platte 8,601 8,631 8,677 8,652 8,546 -106 -1.2 -55 -0.6
Sheridan 30,917 31,000 31,653 32,035 32,519 484 1.5 1,602 5.2
Sublette 8,726 8,736 8,722 8,752 8,969 217 2.5 243 2.8
Sweetwater 42,271 42,197 41,626 41,374 41,249 -125 -0.3 -1,022 -2.4
Teton 23,323 23,379 23,605 23,297 23,232 -65 -0.3 -91 -0.4
Uinta 20,445 20,457 20,681 20,727 20,745 18 0.1 300 1.5
Washakie 7,679 7,657 7,719 7,724 7,710 -14 -0.2 31 0.4
Weston 6,838 6,816 6,746 6,858 6,808 -50 -0.7 -30 -0.4
Note: The estimates are developed from a base that integrates the 2020 Census, Vintage 2020 estimates, and 2020 Demographic Analysis estimates.  For population estimates methodology statements, see All geographic boundaries for the 2023 population estimates series are as of January 1, 2023.
Table 2. Estimates of the Components of Population Change: July 1, 2022 to July 1, 2023
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Vital Events Net Migration
Natural Change Births Deaths Total International2  Domestic
Wyoming 2,428 103 5,882 5,779 2,338 322 2,016
Albany 79 70 307 237 11 231 -220
Big Horn 139 -23 132 155 161 4 157
Campbell 439 232 567 335 206 1 205
Carbon -204 -10 144 154 -193 16 -209
Converse 44 -18 127 145 63 1 62
Crook 173 3 87 84 171 -3 174
Fremont 249 -72 442 514 323 4 319
Goshen 6 -66 110 176 73 2 71
Hot Springs 38 -50 34 84 89 0 89
Johnson 40 -26 76 102 67 -8 75
Laramie 203 67 1,121 1,054 136 15 121
Lincoln 209 57 209 152 153 -1 154
Natrona 418 35 827 792 381 0 381
Niobrara 6 -12 21 33 19 0 19
Park 230 -86 266 352 319 7 312
Platte -106 -75 70 145 -30 15 -45
Sheridan 484 -57 296 353 542 9 533
Sublette 217 2 75 73 217 -3 220
Sweetwater -125 64 430 366 -192 -12 -180
Teton -65 100 190 90 -166 55 -221
Uinta 18 47 229 182 -29 -6 -23
Washakie -14 -37 72 109 24 -1 25
Weston -50 -42 50 92 -7 -4 -3
Table 3. Cumulative Estimates of the Components of Population Change: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2023
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Vital Events Net Migration
Natural Change Births Deaths Total International2  Domestic
Wyoming 7,207 -323 19,676 19,999 7,529 838 6,691
Albany 1,188 191 1,012 821 1,006 458 548
Big Horn 495 -133 394 527 623 7 616
Campbell 468 782 1,917 1,135 -289 18 -307
Carbon -201 -10 500 510 -188 30 -218
Converse 58 -48 445 493 104 9 95
Crook 416 13 309 296 405 11 394
Fremont 580 -336 1,462 1,798 893 4 889
Goshen 138 -208 390 598 345 7 338
Hot Springs 42 -162 120 282 198 0 198
Johnson 309 -90 253 343 397 -18 415
Laramie 472 6 3,651 3,645 416 17 399
Lincoln 1,298 176 722 546 1,131 -3 1,134
Natrona -25 -128 2,767 2,895 128 -2 130
Niobrara -117 -35 77 112 -83 0 -83
Park 1,108 -348 894 1,242 1,460 71 1,389
Platte -55 -218 248 466 166 27 139
Sheridan 1,602 -217 988 1,205 1,837 36 1,801
Sublette 243 35 275 240 207 -6 213
Sweetwater -1,022 154 1,440 1,286 -1,160 61 -1,221
Teton -91 350 656 306 -456 132 -588
Uinta 300 157 753 596 136 -12 148
Washakie 31 -119 233 352 156 -2 158
Weston -30 -135 170 305 97 -7 104
1 Total population change includes a residual. This residual represents the change in population that cannot be attributed to any specific demographic component. See Population Estimates Terms and Definitions at
2 Net international migration for the United States includes the international migration of both U.S.-born and non-U.S.-born populations. Specifically, it includes: (a) the net international migration of the non-U.S. born, (b) the net migration of U.S. born to and from the United States, (c) the net migration between the United States and Puerto Rico, and (d) the net movement of the Armed Forces population between the United States and overseas.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division                                                                         Released Date: March, 2024