Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Counties of Wyoming: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021
Geographic Area April 1, 2020 Population Estimates Chge, 7/1/20 to 7/1/21 Chge, 4/1/20 to 7/1/21
Estimates Base July 1, 2020 July 1, 2021 Number Percent Number Percent
Wyoming 576,851 577,267 578,803 1,536 0.3 1,952 0.3
Albany 37,066 37,079 37,608 529 1.4 542 1.5
Big Horn 11,521 11,467 11,632 165 1.4 111 1.0
Campbell 47,026 47,116 46,401 -715 -1.5 -625 -1.3
Carbon 14,537 14,499 14,649 150 1.0 112 0.8
Converse 13,751 13,724 13,672 -52 -0.4 -79 -0.6
Crook 7,181 7,178 7,315 137 1.9 134 1.9
Fremont 39,234 39,177 39,336 159 0.4 102 0.3
Goshen 12,498 12,503 12,537 34 0.3 39 0.3
Hot Springs 4,621 4,622 4,597 -25 -0.5 -24 -0.5
Johnson 8,447 8,459 8,623 164 1.9 176 2.1
Laramie 100,512 100,690 100,863 173 0.2 351 0.3
Lincoln 19,581 19,674 20,153 479 2.4 572 2.9
Natrona 79,955 80,229 79,555 -674 -0.8 -400 -0.5
Niobrara 2,467 2,439 2,438 -1 0.0 -29 -1.2
Park 29,624 29,656 30,108 452 1.5 484 1.6
Platte 8,605 8,623 8,699 76 0.9 94 1.1
Sheridan 30,921 30,996 31,646 650 2.1 725 2.3
Sublette 8,728 8,723 8,697 -26 -0.3 -31 -0.4
Sweetwater 42,272 42,158 41,614 -544 -1.3 -658 -1.6
Teton 23,331 23,347 23,575 228 1.0 244 1.0
Uinta 20,450 20,441 20,635 194 0.9 185 0.9
Washakie 7,685 7,658 7,705 47 0.6 20 0.3
Weston 6,838 6,809 6,745 -64 -0.9 -93 -1.4
Note: The estimates are developed from a base that incorporates the 2020 Census, Vintage 2020 estimates, and 2020 Demographic Analysis estimates.  For population estimates methodology statements, see The estimates feature geographic boundaries from the Vintage 2020 estimates series; the geographic boundaries for these 2021 population estimates are as of January 1, 2020. 
Table 2. Estimates of the Components of Population Change: July 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Net Migration
Total Births Deaths Total Net International Migration2 Net Domestic Migration
Wyoming 1,536 171 6,213 6,042 1,368 116 1,252
Albany 529 95 351 256 431 33 398
Big Horn 165 -38 96 134 205 -2 207
Campbell -715 198 583 385 -907 -1 -906
Carbon 150 -27 151 178 179 8 171
Converse -52 18 155 137 -71 -1 -70
Crook 137 14 106 92 123 11 112
Fremont 159 -110 457 567 266 -1 267
Goshen 34 -82 118 200 115 0 115
Hot Springs -25 -43 39 82 17 1 16
Johnson 164 -27 69 96 193 1 192
Laramie 173 129 1,125 996 26 11 15
Lincoln 479 36 222 186 447 -4 451
Natrona -674 -29 901 930 -650 5 -655
Niobrara -1 2 28 26 -2 0 -2
Park 452 -72 276 348 530 2 528
Platte 76 -15 89 104 91 0 91
Sheridan 650 -70 307 377 729 20 709
Sublette -26 4 85 81 -30 4 -34
Sweetwater -544 81 481 400 -621 18 -639
Teton 228 124 220 96 103 8 95
Uinta 194 60 226 166 134 3 131
Washakie 47 -39 76 115 87 0 87
Weston -64 -38 52 90 -27 0 -27
Table 3. Cumulative Estimates of the Components of Population Change: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Net Migration
Total Births Deaths Total Net International Migration2 Net Domestic Migration
Wyoming 1,952 314 7,856 7,542 1,651 120 1,531
Albany 542 117 431 314 421 33 388
Big Horn 111 -58 124 182 171 -2 173
Campbell -625 276 747 471 -898 -3 -895
Carbon 112 -27 195 222 141 8 133
Converse -79 17 190 173 -97 -2 -95
Crook 134 15 138 123 120 11 109
Fremont 102 -136 577 713 236 -1 237
Goshen 39 -86 151 237 127 0 127
Hot Springs -24 -54 48 102 31 1 30
Johnson 176 -27 94 121 206 1 205
Laramie 351 188 1,447 1,259 146 13 133
Lincoln 572 70 282 212 507 -4 511
Natrona -400 9 1,152 1,143 -414 6 -420
Niobrara -29 -6 32 38 -22 0 -22
Park 484 -81 352 433 575 1 574
Platte 94 -29 103 132 125 0 125
Sheridan 725 -66 394 460 801 22 779
Sublette -31 4 104 100 -34 4 -38
Sweetwater -658 77 593 516 -733 19 -752
Teton 244 139 264 125 103 10 93
Uinta 185 61 276 215 123 3 120
Washakie 20 -53 94 147 74 0 74
Weston -93 -36 68 104 -58 0 -58
1 Total population change includes a residual. This residual represents the change in population that cannot be attributed to any specific demographic component. See Population Estimates Terms and Definitions at
2 Net international migration for the United States includes the international migration of both native and foreign-born populations.  Specifically, it includes: (a) the net international migration of the foreign born, (b) the net migration between the United States and Puerto Rico, (c) the net migration of natives to and from the United States, and (d) the net movement of the Armed Forces population between the United States and overseas.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division                                                                         Released Date: March 24, 2022