Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Counties of Wyoming: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019
Geographic Area April 1, 2010 Population Estimates Chge, 7/1/18 to 7/1/19 Chge, 4/1/10 to 7/1/19
Census Estimates Base July 1, 2011 July 1, 2012 July 1, 2013 July 1, 2014 July 1, 2015 July 1, 2016 July 1, 2017 July 1, 2018 July 1, 2019 Number Percent Number Percent
Wyoming 563,626 563,775 567,299 576,305 582,122 582,531 585,613 584,215 578,931 577,601 578,759 1,158 0.2 14,984 2.7
Albany 36,299 36,299 36,851 37,359 37,556 37,620 37,960 37,923 38,459 38,728 38,880 152 0.4 2,581 7.1
Big Horn 11,668 11,669 11,722 11,758 11,936 11,853 11,945 11,941 11,859 11,877 11,790 -87 -0.7 121 1.0
Campbell 46,133 46,133 46,550 47,861 48,038 48,130 49,258 48,745 46,402 46,299 46,341 42 0.1 208 0.5
Carbon 15,885 15,884 15,835 15,709 15,834 15,872 15,613 15,689 15,252 14,879 14,800 -79 -0.5 -1,084 -6.8
Converse 13,833 13,833 13,738 14,028 14,366 14,201 14,297 14,094 13,733 13,658 13,822 164 1.2 -11 -0.1
Crook 7,083 7,080 7,118 7,139 7,149 7,234 7,435 7,499 7,397 7,445 7,584 139 1.9 504 7.1
Fremont 40,123 40,123 40,519 41,015 40,912 40,565 40,219 40,200 39,818 39,561 39,261 -300 -0.8 -862 -2.1
Goshen 13,249 13,247 13,574 13,637 13,545 13,522 13,542 13,306 13,361 13,292 13,211 -81 -0.6 -36 -0.3
Hot Springs 4,812 4,812 4,805 4,829 4,831 4,786 4,716 4,654 4,686 4,568 4,413 -155 -3.4 -399 -8.3
Johnson 8,569 8,569 8,646 8,641 8,641 8,582 8,611 8,484 8,447 8,446 8,445 -1 0.0 -124 -1.4
Laramie 91,738 91,885 92,576 94,697 95,707 96,036 96,969 97,887 98,377 98,865 99,500 635 0.6 7,615 8.3
Lincoln 18,106 18,106 18,013 17,944 18,320 18,567 18,747 19,072 19,278 19,445 19,830 385 2.0 1,724 9.5
Natrona 75,450 75,448 76,399 78,565 81,103 81,377 82,137 80,909 79,586 79,175 79,858 683 0.9 4,410 5.8
Niobrara 2,484 2,484 2,483 2,478 2,544 2,488 2,496 2,468 2,392 2,400 2,356 -44 -1.8 -128 -5.2
Park 28,205 28,207 28,449 28,808 29,050 28,966 28,928 29,213 29,194 29,210 29,194 -16 -0.1 987 3.5
Platte 8,667 8,667 8,697 8,729 8,710 8,775 8,798 8,662 8,541 8,516 8,393 -123 -1.4 -274 -3.2
Sheridan 29,116 29,124 29,251 29,524 29,733 29,852 29,883 29,964 30,147 30,219 30,485 266 0.9 1,361 4.7
Sublette 10,247 10,244 10,186 10,476 10,175 10,151 10,044 9,982 9,745 9,798 9,831 33 0.3 -413 -4.0
Sweetwater 43,806 43,806 43,986 45,002 45,157 44,948 44,719 44,222 43,464 42,858 42,343 -515 -1.2 -1,463 -3.3
Teton 21,294 21,298 21,414 21,624 22,315 22,773 23,047 23,234 23,384 23,269 23,464 195 0.8 2,166 10.2
Uinta 21,118 21,121 20,896 20,996 20,951 20,822 20,763 20,682 20,431 20,292 20,226 -66 -0.3 -895 -4.2
Washakie 8,533 8,528 8,449 8,409 8,413 8,273 8,278 8,165 8,010 7,877 7,805 -72 -0.9 -723 -8.5
Weston 7,208 7,208 7,142 7,077 7,136 7,138 7,208 7,220 6,968 6,924 6,927 3 0.0 -281 -3.9
Note: The estimates are based on the 2010 Census and reflect changes to the April 1, 2010 population due to the Count Question Resolution program and geographic program revisions. All geographic boundaries for the 2019 population estimates are as of January 1, 2019. For population estimates methodology statements, see
Table 2. Estimates of the Components of Population Change: July 1, 2018 to July 1, 2019
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Net Migration
Total Births Deaths Total Net International Migration2 Net Domestic Migration
Wyoming 1,158 1,630 6,601 4,971 -474 538 -1,012
Albany 152 143 341 198 6 259 -253
Big Horn -87 11 131 120 -98 2 -100
Campbell 42 274 597 323 -235 33 -268
Carbon -79 57 176 119 -136 8 -144
Converse 164 43 154 111 123 5 118
Crook 139 33 103 70 107 20 87
Fremont -300 20 505 485 -319 -3 -316
Goshen -81 -10 132 142 -72 6 -78
Hot Springs -155 -34 37 71 -121 1 -122
Johnson -1 -25 67 92 23 2 21
Laramie 635 395 1,269 874 243 1 242
Lincoln 385 84 222 138 302 0 302
Natrona 683 219 953 734 464 103 361
Niobrara -44 14 28 14 -57 0 -57
Park -16 12 283 271 -26 -10 -16
Platte -123 -35 74 109 -87 -10 -77
Sheridan 266 -38 308 346 303 14 289
Sublette 33 8 88 80 24 -8 32
Sweetwater -515 208 506 298 -727 23 -750
Teton 195 153 228 75 42 79 -37
Uinta -66 119 255 136 -186 0 -186
Washakie -72 -7 83 90 -65 -5 -60
Weston 3 -14 61 75 18 18 0
Table 3. Cumulative Estimates of the Components of Population Change: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Net Migration
Total Births Deaths Total Net International Migration2 Net Domestic Migration
Wyoming 14,984 24,672 67,998 43,326 -10,143 3,371 -13,514
Albany 2,581 1,911 3,659 1,748 660 1,526 -866
Big Horn 121 44 1,298 1,254 73 -6 79
Campbell 208 4,304 6,633 2,329 -4,169 77 -4,246
Carbon -1,084 651 1,847 1,196 -1,742 15 -1,757
Converse -11 543 1,662 1,119 -576 40 -616
Crook 504 361 941 580 147 109 38
Fremont -862 1,255 5,266 4,011 -2,137 -32 -2,105
Goshen -36 -7 1,280 1,287 -47 68 -115
Hot Springs -399 -202 445 647 -196 0 -196
Johnson -124 -44 788 832 -77 20 -97
Laramie 7,615 4,474 11,829 7,355 3,119 429 2,690
Lincoln 1,724 1,067 2,243 1,176 654 -26 680
Natrona 4,410 3,455 9,996 6,541 826 506 320
Niobrara -128 15 248 233 -150 -2 -148
Park 987 300 2,835 2,535 692 37 655
Platte -274 -159 776 935 -110 -48 -62
Sheridan 1,361 104 3,026 2,922 1,270 140 1,130
Sublette -413 599 1,092 493 -1,040 -32 -1,008
Sweetwater -1,463 2,909 5,555 2,646 -4,461 59 -4,520
Teton 2,166 1,546 2,286 740 592 477 115
Uinta -895 1,463 2,755 1,292 -2,383 -79 -2,304
Washakie -723 27 839 812 -750 -31 -719
Weston -281 56 699 643 -338 124 -462
1 Total population change includes a residual. This residual represents the change in population that cannot be attributed to any specific demographic component. See Population Estimates Terms and Definitions at
2 Net international migration for the United States includes the international migration of both native and foreign-born populations.  Specifically, it includes: (a) the net international migration of the foreign born, (b) the net migration between the United States and Puerto Rico, (c) the net migration of natives to and from the United States, and (d) the net movement of the Armed Forces population between the United States and overseas.  Net international migration for Puerto Rico includes the migration of native and foreign-born populations between the United States and Puerto Rico.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division                                                                         Released Date: March 26, 2020