Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Counties of Wyoming: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2018
Geographic Area April 1, 2010 Population Estimates Chge, 7/1/17 to 7/1/18 Chge, 4/1/10 to 7/1/18
Census Estimates Base July 1, 2011 July 1, 2012 July 1, 2013 July 1, 2014 July 1, 2015 July 1, 2016 July 1, 2017 July 1, 2018 Number Percent Number Percent
Wyoming 563,626 563,773 567,224 576,270 582,123 582,548 585,668 584,290 578,934 577,737 -1,197 -0.2 13,964 2.5
Albany 36,299 36,299 36,843 37,360 37,559 37,622 37,956 37,903 38,430 38,601 171 0.4 2,302 6.3
Big Horn 11,668 11,669 11,721 11,757 11,935 11,853 11,950 11,943 11,879 11,881 2 0.0 212 1.8
Campbell 46,133 46,133 46,543 47,855 48,038 48,132 49,269 48,746 46,251 46,140 -111 -0.2 7 0.0
Carbon 15,885 15,884 15,833 15,708 15,836 15,872 15,618 15,684 15,242 14,971 -271 -1.8 -913 -5.7
Converse 13,833 13,833 13,737 14,028 14,366 14,203 14,299 14,101 13,744 13,640 -104 -0.8 -193 -1.4
Crook 7,083 7,083 7,121 7,141 7,152 7,237 7,437 7,503 7,424 7,450 26 0.4 367 5.2
Fremont 40,123 40,123 40,511 41,009 40,908 40,562 40,228 40,223 39,834 39,531 -303 -0.8 -592 -1.5
Goshen 13,249 13,247 13,573 13,637 13,547 13,526 13,551 13,333 13,404 13,376 -28 -0.2 129 1.0
Hot Springs 4,812 4,812 4,805 4,829 4,830 4,786 4,717 4,654 4,686 4,555 -131 -2.8 -257 -5.3
Johnson 8,569 8,569 8,645 8,641 8,641 8,582 8,609 8,480 8,442 8,460 18 0.2 -109 -1.3
Laramie 91,738 91,885 92,561 94,690 95,706 96,038 97,006 97,978 98,460 98,976 516 0.5 7,091 7.7
Lincoln 18,106 18,106 18,009 17,942 18,316 18,563 18,738 19,062 19,259 19,434 175 0.9 1,328 7.3
Natrona 75,450 75,448 76,391 78,562 81,101 81,375 82,123 80,882 79,556 79,115 -441 -0.6 3,667 4.9
Niobrara 2,484 2,484 2,483 2,477 2,545 2,489 2,496 2,470 2,397 2,388 -9 -0.4 -96 -3.9
Park 28,205 28,207 28,446 28,804 29,047 28,962 28,925 29,207 29,189 29,324 135 0.5 1,117 4.0
Platte 8,667 8,667 8,695 8,727 8,709 8,772 8,797 8,667 8,561 8,566 5 0.1 -101 -1.2
Sheridan 29,116 29,119 29,244 29,518 29,728 29,848 29,886 29,963 30,132 30,233 101 0.3 1,114 3.8
Sublette 10,247 10,244 10,185 10,476 10,175 10,152 10,046 9,983 9,759 9,813 54 0.6 -431 -4.2
Sweetwater 43,806 43,806 43,981 45,005 45,162 44,957 44,754 44,275 43,547 43,051 -496 -1.1 -755 -1.7
Teton 21,294 21,298 21,414 21,625 22,318 22,777 23,016 23,161 23,261 23,081 -180 -0.8 1,783 8.4
Uinta 21,118 21,121 20,893 20,994 20,953 20,827 20,770 20,691 20,456 20,299 -157 -0.8 -822 -3.9
Washakie 8,533 8,528 8,448 8,408 8,414 8,275 8,280 8,168 8,035 7,885 -150 -1.9 -643 -7.5
Weston 7,208 7,208 7,142 7,077 7,137 7,138 7,197 7,213 6,986 6,967 -19 -0.3 -241 -3.3
The estimates are based on the 2010 Census and reflect changes to the April 1, 2010 population due to the Count Question Resolution program and geographic program revisions. See Geographic Terms and Definitions at for a list of the states that are included in each region and division. All geographic boundaries for the 2018 population estimates series except statistical area delineations are as of January 1, 2018. The Office of Management and Budget's statistical area delineations for metropolitan, micropolitan, and combined statistical areas, as well as metropolitan divisions, are those issued by that agency in July 2015. For population estimates methodology statements, see
Table 2. Estimates of the Components of Population Change: July 1, 2017 to July 1, 2018
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Net Migration
Total Births Deaths Total Net International Migration2 Net Domestic Migration
Wyoming -1,197 1,893 6,840 4,947 -3,089 597 -3,686
Albany 171 188 382 194 -17 245 -262
Big Horn 2 -7 137 144 10 -1 11
Campbell -111 301 615 314 -415 43 -458
Carbon -271 41 188 147 -312 7 -319
Converse -104 10 143 133 -115 13 -128
Crook 26 37 106 69 -9 22 -31
Fremont -303 16 501 485 -319 4 -323
Goshen -28 10 145 135 -39 33 -72
Hot Springs -131 -32 47 79 -99 1 -100
Johnson 18 -12 75 87 31 0 31
Laramie 516 439 1,270 831 82 36 46
Lincoln 175 106 237 131 70 -5 75
Natrona -441 250 986 736 -691 84 -775
Niobrara -9 15 31 16 -25 0 -25
Park 135 -1 288 289 136 -9 145
Platte 5 -10 80 90 16 -1 17
Sheridan 101 -9 320 329 113 12 101
Sublette 54 37 97 60 16 -8 24
Sweetwater -496 243 546 303 -743 59 -802
Teton -180 155 230 75 -337 38 -375
Uinta -157 129 276 147 -287 -1 -286
Washakie -150 -11 74 85 -137 -5 -132
Weston -19 -2 66 68 -18 30 -48
Table 3. Cumulative Estimates of the Components of Population Change: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2018
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Net Migration
Total Births Deaths Total Net International Migration2 Net Domestic Migration
Wyoming 13,964 23,021 61,495 38,474 -9,463 3,049 -12,512
Albany 2,302 1,811 3,358 1,547 478 1,212 -734
Big Horn 212 41 1,169 1,128 169 -12 181
Campbell 7 3,973 6,041 2,068 -4,030 28 -4,058
Carbon -913 579 1,674 1,095 -1,497 0 -1,497
Converse -193 462 1,494 1,032 -678 57 -735
Crook 367 326 839 513 44 93 -49
Fremont -592 1,158 4,744 3,586 -1,766 11 -1,777
Goshen 129 28 1,161 1,133 80 132 -52
Hot Springs -257 -181 413 594 -76 -2 -74
Johnson -109 3 727 724 -108 10 -118
Laramie 7,091 4,068 10,547 6,479 3,019 673 2,346
Lincoln 1,328 992 2,031 1,039 333 -45 378
Natrona 3,667 3,211 9,043 5,832 344 341 3
Niobrara -96 7 216 209 -109 -2 -107
Park 1,117 290 2,558 2,268 829 45 784
Platte -101 -98 704 802 -1 -12 11
Sheridan 1,114 152 2,729 2,577 978 132 846
Sublette -431 606 1,012 406 -1,065 -24 -1,041
Sweetwater -755 2,737 5,072 2,335 -3,566 168 -3,734
Teton 1,783 1,385 2,052 667 372 215 157
Uinta -822 1,354 2,518 1,164 -2,207 -71 -2,136
Washakie -643 42 755 713 -687 -25 -662
Weston -241 75 638 563 -319 125 -444
1. Total population change includes a residual. This residual represents the change in population that cannot be attributed to any specific demographic component. See Population Estimates Terms and Definitions at
2. Net international migration for the United States includes the international migration of both native and foreign-born populations. Specifically, it includes: (a) the net international migration of the foreign born, (b) the net migration between the United States and Puerto Rico, (c) the net migration of natives to and from the United States, and (d) the net movement of the Armed Forces population between the United States and overseas. Net international migration for Puerto Rico includes the migration of native and foreign-born populations between the United States and Puerto Rico. 
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division                                                                         Released Date: April 18, 2019