Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Counties of Wyoming: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2014
Geographic Area April 1, 2010 Population Estimates Change, 7/1/13 to 7/1/14 Change, 4/1/10 to 7/1/14
Census Estimates Base July 1, 2010 July 1, 2011 July 1, 2012 July 1, 2013 July 1, 2014 Number Percent Number Percent
Wyoming 563,626 563,767 564,358 567,631 576,893 583,223 584,153 930 0.2 20,386 3.6
Albany 36,299 36,299 36,440 36,913 37,363 37,574 37,811 237 0.6 1,512 4.2
Big Horn 11,668 11,668 11,674 11,745 11,778 12,006 11,930 -76 -0.6 262 2.2
Campbell 46,133 46,133 46,223 46,590 47,897 48,210 48,320 110 0.2 2,187 4.7
Carbon 15,885 15,885 15,835 15,818 15,679 15,791 15,854 63 0.4 -31 -0.2
Converse 13,833 13,833 13,817 13,720 14,005 14,316 14,097 -219 -1.5 264 1.9
Crook 7,083 7,083 7,108 7,121 7,139 7,158 7,248 90 1.3 165 2.3
Fremont 40,123 40,123 40,224 40,589 41,125 41,052 40,703 -349 -0.9 580 1.4
Goshen 13,249 13,247 13,411 13,604 13,670 13,578 13,514 -64 -0.5 267 2.0
Hot Springs 4,812 4,812 4,804 4,809 4,845 4,856 4,816 -40 -0.8 4 0.1
Johnson 8,569 8,569 8,568 8,627 8,606 8,622 8,573 -49 -0.6 4 0.0
Laramie 91,738 91,881 92,199 92,607 94,849 96,015 96,389 374 0.4 4,508 4.9
Lincoln 18,106 18,106 18,075 18,004 17,926 18,326 18,567 241 1.3 461 2.5
Natrona 75,450 75,450 75,466 76,416 78,686 81,143 81,624 481 0.6 6,174 8.2
Niobrara 2,484 2,484 2,491 2,484 2,475 2,549 2,463 -86 -3.4 -21 -0.8
Park 28,205 28,205 28,262 28,467 28,805 29,154 28,989 -165 -0.6 784 2.8
Platte 8,667 8,667 8,680 8,700 8,735 8,735 8,799 64 0.7 132 1.5
Sheridan 29,116 29,116 29,148 29,275 29,598 29,836 30,032 196 0.7 916 3.1
Sublette 10,247 10,247 10,231 10,127 10,412 10,087 10,057 -30 -0.3 -190 -1.9
Sweetwater 43,806 43,806 43,599 44,048 45,115 45,205 45,010 -195 -0.4 1,204 2.7
Teton 21,294 21,294 21,290 21,482 21,704 22,375 22,930 555 2.5 1,636 7.7
Uinta 21,118 21,118 21,103 20,917 20,989 21,031 20,904 -127 -0.6 -214 -1.0
Washakie 8,533 8,533 8,541 8,466 8,441 8,450 8,322 -128 -1.5 -211 -2.5
Weston 7,208 7,208 7,169 7,102 7,051 7,154 7,201 47 0.7 -7 -0.1
Note: The estimates are based on the 2010 Census and reflect changes to the April 1, 2010 population due to the Count Question Resolution program and geographic program revisions. See Geographic Terms and Definitions at for a list of the states that are included in each region and division.
Table 2. Estimates of the Components of Population Change: July 1, 2013 to July 1, 2014
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Net Migration
Total Births Deaths Total Net International Migration2 Net Domestic Migration
Wyoming 930 3,115 7,626 4,511 -2,187 485 -2,672
Albany 237 233 409 176 -10 121 -131
Big Horn -76 34 151 117 -103 -1 -102
Campbell 110 466 754 288 -349 28 -377
Carbon 63 70 198 128 -36 5 -41
Converse -219 61 183 122 -294 4 -298
Crook 90 33 94 61 63 3 60
Fremont -349 129 583 454 -465 7 -472
Goshen -64 15 147 132 -74 10 -84
Hot Springs -40 -21 53 74 -16 10 -26
Johnson -49 14 93 79 -72 5 -77
Laramie 374 504 1,266 762 -70 102 -172
Lincoln 241 134 244 110 103 1 102
Natrona 481 470 1,183 713 62 43 19
Niobrara -86 9 25 16 -98 0 -98
Park -165 85 328 243 -233 40 -273
Platte 64 8 91 83 56 -2 58
Sheridan 196 23 329 306 140 33 107
Sublette -30 85 129 44 -140 27 -167
Sweetwater -195 364 612 248 -573 13 -586
Teton 555 183 255 72 364 46 318
Uinta -127 182 319 137 -315 -8 -307
Washakie -128 9 90 81 -141 0 -141
Weston 47 25 90 65 14 -2 16
Table 3. Cumulative Estimates of the Components of Population Change: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2014
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Net Migration
Total Births Deaths Total Net International Migration2 Net Domestic Migration
Wyoming 20,386 12,957 31,985 19,028 7,195 2,033 5,162
Albany 1,512 998 1,777 779 479 460 19
Big Horn 262 40 605 565 223 -6 229
Campbell 2,187 2,123 3,192 1,069 36 104 -68
Carbon -31 332 832 500 -370 18 -388
Converse 264 255 771 516 -6 12 -18
Crook 165 135 398 263 56 13 43
Fremont 580 693 2,554 1,861 -122 29 -151
Goshen 267 29 588 559 236 36 200
Hot Springs 4 -61 215 276 74 40 34
Johnson 4 64 398 334 -67 19 -86
Laramie 4,508 2,120 5,336 3,216 2,384 547 1,837
Lincoln 461 539 1,039 500 -81 0 -81
Natrona 6,174 1,744 4,652 2,908 4,408 174 4,234
Niobrara -21 5 94 89 -22 0 -22
Park 784 239 1,344 1,105 535 164 371
Platte 132 -38 366 404 192 -8 200
Sheridan 916 166 1,421 1,255 678 141 537
Sublette -190 367 549 182 -600 106 -706
Sweetwater 1,204 1,566 2,684 1,118 -341 42 -383
Teton 1,636 763 1,071 308 846 185 661
Uinta -214 778 1,343 565 -1,016 -32 -984
Washakie -211 31 402 371 -247 -4 -243
Weston -7 69 354 285 -80 -7 -73
1. Total population change includes a residual. This residual represents the change in population that cannot be attributed to any specific demographic component. See Population Estimates Terms and Definitions at
2. Net international migration for the United States includes the international migration of both native and foreign-born populations. Specifically, it includes: (a) the net international migration of the foreign born, (b) the net migration between the United States and Puerto Rico, (c) the net migration of natives to and from the United States, and (d) the net movement of the Armed Forces population between the United States and overseas. Net international migration for Puerto Rico includes the migration of native and foreign-born populations between the United States and Puerto Rico.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division                                                                         Released Date: March 26, 2015