Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Counties of Wyoming: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2013
Geographic Area Census Population Estimates Change, 7/1/12 to 7/1/13 Change, 4/1/10 to 7/1/13
April 1, 2010 July 1, 2010 July 1, 2011 July 1, 2012 July 1, 2013 Number Percent Number Percent
Wyoming 563,626 564,222 567,329 576,626 582,658 6,032 1.0 19,032 3.4
Albany 36,299 36,445 36,868 37,246 37,422 176 0.5 1,123 3.1
Big Horn 11,668 11,674 11,730 11,767 11,994 227 1.9 326 2.8
Campbell 46,133 46,224 46,575 47,882 48,176 294 0.6 2,043 4.4
Carbon 15,885 15,834 15,805 15,683 15,748 65 0.4 -137 -0.9
Converse 13,833 13,817 13,712 14,006 14,313 307 2.2 480 3.5
Crook 7,083 7,109 7,128 7,166 7,184 18 0.3 101 1.4
Fremont 40,123 40,229 40,585 41,090 40,998 -92 -0.2 875 2.2
Goshen 13,249 13,416 13,608 13,689 13,612 -77 -0.6 363 2.7
Hot Springs 4,812 4,805 4,815 4,841 4,847 6 0.1 35 0.7
Johnson 8,569 8,568 8,612 8,602 8,628 26 0.3 59 0.7
Laramie 91,738 92,052 92,447 94,627 95,809 1,182 1.2 4,071 4.4
Lincoln 18,106 18,076 18,017 17,960 18,364 404 2.2 258 1.4
Natrona 75,450 75,463 76,374 78,665 80,973 2,308 2.9 5,523 7.3
Niobrara 2,484 2,492 2,487 2,480 2,541 61 2.5 57 2.3
Park 28,205 28,264 28,470 28,817 29,227 410 1.4 1,022 3.6
Platte 8,667 8,679 8,700 8,751 8,765 14 0.2 98 1.1
Sheridan 29,116 29,145 29,293 29,603 29,824 221 0.7 708 2.4
Sublette 10,247 10,231 10,115 10,370 10,041 -329 -3.2 -206 -2.0
Sweetwater 43,806 43,601 44,048 45,164 45,237 73 0.2 1,431 3.3
Teton 21,294 21,288 21,441 21,648 22,268 620 2.9 974 4.6
Uinta 21,118 21,100 20,933 21,047 21,066 19 0.1 -52 -0.2
Washakie 8,533 8,540 8,464 8,451 8,463 12 0.1 -70 -0.8
Weston 7,208 7,170 7,102 7,071 7,158 87 1.2 -50 -0.7
Table 2. Estimates of the Components of Population Change: July 1, 2012 to July 1, 2013
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Net Migration
Total Births Deaths Total Net International Migration2 Net Domestic Migration
Wyoming 6,032 3,140 7,549 4,409 2,941 325 2,616
Albany 176 245 422 177 -75 63 -138
Big Horn 227 18 139 121 203 2 201
Campbell 294 516 791 275 -226 18 -244
Carbon 65 55 177 122 28 0 28
Converse 307 78 189 111 259 1 258
Crook 18 31 92 61 10 4 6
Fremont -92 130 604 474 -222 -4 -218
Goshen -77 18 150 132 -81 0 -81
Hot Springs 6 -23 49 72 21 6 15
Johnson 26 15 92 77 2 5 -3
Laramie 1,182 530 1,282 752 610 98 512
Lincoln 404 114 221 107 295 9 286
Natrona 2,308 394 1,057 663 1,904 17 1,887
Niobrara 61 7 23 16 58 0 58
Park 410 73 316 243 310 32 278
Platte 14 11 93 82 28 0 28
Sheridan 221 48 335 287 144 35 109
Sublette -329 90 136 46 -403 10 -413
Sweetwater 73 413 665 252 -256 16 -272
Teton 620 166 231 65 428 11 417
Uinta 19 182 306 124 -172 2 -174
Washakie 12 15 99 84 -9 1 -10
Weston 87 14 80 66 85 -1 86
Table 3. Cumulative Estimates of the Components of Population Change: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2013
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Net Migration
Total Births Deaths Total Net International Migration2 Net Domestic Migration
Wyoming 19,032 9,888 24,299 14,411 8,928 1,114 7,814
Albany 1,123 773 1,371 598 328 190 138
Big Horn 326 9 450 441 317 4 313
Campbell 2,043 1,659 2,480 821 367 63 304
Carbon -137 242 605 363 -367 2 -369
Converse 480 220 587 367 272 3 269
Crook 101 100 299 199 29 13 16
Fremont 875 507 1,965 1,458 341 -11 352
Goshen 363 45 471 426 312 -1 313
Hot Springs 35 -47 156 203 73 21 52
Johnson 59 48 306 258 6 16 -10
Laramie 4,071 1,611 4,087 2,476 2,415 393 2,022
Lincoln 258 406 782 376 -148 28 -176
Natrona 5,523 1,243 3,384 2,141 4,210 49 4,161
Niobrara 57 4 70 66 57 0 57
Park 1,022 173 1,017 844 822 106 716
Platte 98 -32 277 309 148 0 148
Sheridan 708 135 1,086 951 523 113 410
Sublette -206 284 420 136 -507 34 -541
Sweetwater 1,431 1,270 2,106 836 204 49 155
Teton 974 577 793 216 373 36 337
Uinta -52 594 1,016 422 -663 11 -674
Washakie -70 25 314 289 -98 -3 -95
Weston -50 42 257 215 -86 -2 -84
1. Total population change includes a residual. This residual represents the change in population that cannot be attributed to any specific demographic component. See Population Estimates Terms and Definitions at
2. Net international migration for the United States includes the international migration of both native and foreign-born populations. Specifically, it includes: (a) the net international migration of the foreign born, (b) the net migration between the United States and Puerto Rico, (c) the net migration of natives to and from the United States, and (d) the net movement of the Armed Forces population between the United States and overseas. Net international migration for Puerto Rico includes the migration of native and foreign-born populations between the United States and Puerto Rico.
Source: Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau                                                           Released Date: March 27, 2014