Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Counties of Wyoming: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011
Geographic Area Census Population Estimates Change, 7/1/10 to 7/1/11 Change, 4/1/10 to 7/1/11
  April 1, 2010 July 1, 2010 July 1, 2011 Number Percent Number Percent
Wyoming 563,626 564,554 568,158 3,604 0.6 4,532 0.8
Albany 36,299 36,444 36,889 445 1.2 590 1.6
Big Horn 11,668 11,696 11,759 63 0.5 91 0.8
Campbell 46,133 46,228 46,618 390 0.8 485 1.1
Carbon 15,885 15,834 15,786 -48 -0.3 -99 -0.6
Converse 13,833 13,830 13,755 -75 -0.5 -78 -0.6
Crook 7,083 7,115 7,111 -4 -0.1 28 0.4
Fremont 40,123 40,273 40,579 306 0.8 456 1.1
Goshen 13,249 13,423 13,536 113 0.8 287 2.2
Hot Springs 4,812 4,809 4,799 -10 -0.2 -13 -0.3
Johnson 8,569 8,577 8,642 65 0.8 73 0.9
Laramie 91,738 92,130 92,680 550 0.6 942 1.0
Lincoln 18,106 18,100 18,071 -29 -0.2 -35 -0.2
Natrona 75,450 75,474 76,366 892 1.2 916 1.2
Niobrara 2,484 2,490 2,491 1 0.0 7 0.3
Park 28,205 28,269 28,592 323 1.1 387 1.4
Platte 8,667 8,695 8,796 101 1.2 129 1.5
Sheridan 29,116 29,147 29,239 92 0.3 123 0.4
Sublette 10,247 10,237 10,146 -91 -0.9 -101 -1.0
Sweetwater 43,806 43,623 44,175 552 1.3 369 0.8
Teton 21,294 21,313 21,548 235 1.1 254 1.2
Uinta 21,118 21,117 20,985 -132 -0.6 -133 -0.6
Washakie 8,533 8,552 8,487 -65 -0.8 -46 -0.5
Weston 7,208 7,178 7,108 -70 -1.0 -100 -1.4
Table 2. Estimates of the Components of Population Change: July 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Net Migration
Total Births Deaths Total Net International Migration2 Net Domestic Migration
Wyoming 3,604 3,122 7,555 4,433 485 460 25
Albany 445 248 424 176 197 95 102
Big Horn 63 12 133 121 51 14 37
Campbell 390 493 776 283 -103 8 -111
Carbon -48 53 206 153 -100 -1 -99
Converse -75 61 178 117 -136 2 -138
Crook -4 32 95 63 -35 - -35
Fremont 306 218 609 391 90 13 77
Goshen 113 -5 134 139 117 1 116
Hot Springs -10 -31 45 76 21 - 21
Johnson 65 16 102 86 49 3 46
Laramie 550 544 1,264 720 11 43 -32
Lincoln -29 147 262 115 -177 10 -187
Natrona 892 366 1,033 667 523 22 501
Niobrara 1 -3 18 21 5 - 5
Park 323 51 290 239 269 12 257
Platte 101 -25 64 89 126 -1 127
Sheridan 92 50 349 299 44 19 25
Sublette -91 77 129 52 -168 15 -183
Sweetwater 552 415 664 249 138 85 53
Teton 235 188 266 78 48 84 -36
Uinta -132 192 332 140 -328 29 -357
Washakie -65 10 98 88 -75 2 -77
Weston -70 13 84 71 -82 5 -87
Table 3. Cumulative Estimates of the Components of Population Change: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011
Geographic Area Total Population Change1 Natural Change Net Migration
Total Births Deaths Total Net International Migration2 Net Domestic Migration
Wyoming 4,532 4,055 9,410 5,355 461 610 -149
Albany 590 318 532 214 271 118 153
Big Horn 91 16 160 144 76 17 59
Campbell 485 603 963 360 -119 10 -129
Carbon -99 68 250 182 -167 -1 -166
Converse -78 97 222 125 -175 3 -178
Crook 28 51 120 69 -22 - -22
Fremont 456 293 763 470 164 15 149
Goshen 287 3 165 162 278 1 277
Hot Springs -13 -26 55 81 14 - 14
Johnson 73 27 127 100 46 4 42
Laramie 942 702 1,582 880 242 88 154
Lincoln -35 204 331 127 -240 13 -253
Natrona 916 452 1,286 834 461 27 434
Niobrara 7 -1 23 24 9 - 9
Park 387 52 359 307 333 15 318
Platte 129 -17 81 98 146 -1 147
Sheridan 123 59 437 378 67 23 44
Sublette -101 100 161 61 -201 18 -219
Sweetwater 369 509 824 315 -148 111 -259
Teton 254 253 339 86 1 104 -103
Uinta -133 247 407 160 -385 37 -422
Washakie -46 26 122 96 -72 2 -74
Weston -100 19 101 82 -118 6 -124
1. Total population change includes a residual. This residual represents the change in population that cannot be attributed to any specific demographic component. See Population Estimates Terms and Definitions at
2. Net international migration includes the international migration of both native and foreign-born populations.  Specifically, it includes: (a) the net international migration of the foreign born, (b) the net migration between the United States and Puerto Rico, (c) the net migration of natives to and from the United States, and (d) the net movement of the Armed Forces population between the United States and overseas.
Source: Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau                                                                                 Released Date: April, 2012