Wyoming County Profiles:  2012
Natrona County
County Seat:   Casper
Department of Administration & Information Land Area (square mile):  5,340.4
Economic Analysis Division   Population Per Square Mile:  14.7
Subject Natrona  Wyoming
POPULATION - AGE/SEX1 Number Percent Number Percent
Total 78,621 100.0 576,412 100.0
    Male 39,750 50.6 294,281 51.1
    Female 38,871 49.4 282,131 48.9
    Under 5 years 5,303 6.7 38,592 6.7
    5 to 9 years 5,404 6.9 38,895 6.7
    10 to 14 years 4,836 6.2 36,286 6.3
    15 to 19 years 4,936 6.3 37,270 6.5
    20 to 24 years 5,654 7.2 42,591 7.4
    25 to 29 years 6,055 7.7 41,306 7.2
    30 to 34 years 5,704 7.3 39,793 6.9
    35 to 39 years 4,780 6.1 34,061 5.9
    40 to 44 years 4,751 6.0 34,207 5.9
    45 to 49 years 4,885 6.2 35,794 6.2
    50 to 54 years 5,911 7.5 43,170 7.5
    55 to 59 years 5,856 7.4 43,260 7.5
    60 to 64 years 4,625 5.9 35,679 6.2
    65 to 69 years 3,104 3.9 25,651 4.5
    70 to 74 years 2,173 2.8 17,863 3.1
    75 to 79 years 1,682 2.1 12,783 2.2
    80 to 84 years 1,544 2.0 9,990 1.7
    85 years and over 1,418 1.8 9,221 1.6
    Under 18 years 18,535 23.6 135,490 23.5
    18 to 24 years 7,598 9.7 58,144 10.1
    25 to 44 years 21,290 27.1 149,367 25.9
    45 to 64 years 21,277 27.1 157,903 27.4
    65 years and over 9,921 12.6 75,508 13.1
 Median age (years) 36.4 NA 36.9 NA
POPULATION - RACE/HISPANIC1 Number Percent Number Percent
All Races Combined 78,621 100.0 576,412 100.0
    White Alone 74,073 94.2 536,450 93.1
    Black or African American Alone 1,252 1.6 8,555 1.5
    American Indian and Alaska Native Alone 1,028 1.3 15,003 2.6
    Asian Alone 619 0.8 5,183 0.9
    Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone 71 0.1 575 0.1
    Two or More Races 1,578 2.0 10,646 1.8
Hispanic (may be of any race) 5,978 7.6 54,770 9.5
Non-Hispanic 72,643 92.4 521,642 90.5
    White Alone 68,888 87.6 487,822 84.6
Total Population Change 2,265 100.0 9,056 100.0
    Natural Change 353 15.6 3,000 33.1
        Births 1,018 (X) 7,426 (X)
        Deaths 665 (X) 4,426 (X)
    Net Migration 1,912 84.4 6,056 66.9
HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE2 Number Percent Number Percent
Total households 30,406 100.0 221,479 100.0
    Family households (families) 20,295 66.7 145,992 65.9
               With own children under 18 years 8,979 29.5 63,449 28.6
        Married-couple family 15,281 50.3 117,493 53.0
               With own children under 18 years 6,026 19.8 45,297 20.5
        Male householder, no wife present, family 1,651 5.4 9,246 4.2
               With own children under 18 years 929 3.1 5,912 2.7
        Female householder, no husband present, family 3,363 11.1 19,253 8.7
               With own children under 18 years 2,024 6.7 12,240 5.5
    Nonfamily households 10,111 33.3 75,487 34.1
        Householder living alone 8,301 27.3 61,207 27.6
               65 years and over 2,731 9.0 20,074 9.1
  Households with one or more people under 18 years 9,942 32.7 69,185 31.2
  Households with one or more people 65 years and over 6,663 21.9 49,189 22.2
Average household size 2.44 (X) 2.48 (X)
Average family size 2.95 (X) 3.02 (X)
EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT2 Number Percent Number Percent
Population 25 years and over 50,354 100.0 371,096 100.0
     Less than 9th grade 973 1.9 8,661 2.3
     9th to 12th grade, no diploma 3,021 6.0 20,726 5.6
     High school graduate (includes equivalency) 14,853 29.5 113,353 30.5
     Some college, no degree 14,824 29.4 101,199 27.3
     Associate's degree 5,608 11.1 37,126 10.0
     Bachelor's degree 7,360 14.6 60,011 16.2
     Graduate or professional degree 3,715 7.4 30,020 8.1
Percent high school graduate or higher (X) 92.1 (X) 92.1
Percent bachelor's degree or higher (X) 22.0 (X) 24.3
VETERAN STATUS2 Number Percent Number Percent
Civilian population 18 years and over 57,643 100.0 452,054 100.0
     Civilian veterans 6,308 10.9 51,203 11.3
RESIDENCE 1 YEAR AGO2 Number Percent Number Percent
Population age 1 year and over 75,079 100.0 555,587 100.0
     Same house 60,575 80.7 454,552 81.8
     Different house in the U.S. 14,404 19.2 99,164 17.8
          Same county 8,985 12.0 54,717 9.8
          Different county 5,419 7.2 44,447 8.0
               Same state 2,147 2.9 14,481 2.6
               Different state 3,272 4.4 29,966 5.4
     Abroad 100 0.1 1,871 0.3
Total households 30,406 100.0 221,479 100.0
     Less than $10,000 1,480 4.9 11,279 5.1
     $10,000 to $14,999 1,384 4.6 10,717 4.8
     $15,000 to $24,999 2,944 9.7 21,127 9.5
     $25,000 to $34,999 3,376 11.1 22,992 10.4
     $35,000 to $49,999 4,417 14.5 31,395 14.2
     $50,000 to $74,999 6,216 20.4 44,135 19.9
     $75,000 to $99,999 3,780 12.4 31,949 14.4
     $100,000 to $149,999 4,499 14.8 32,413 14.6
     $150,000 to $199,999 1,187 3.9 9,172 4.1
     $200,000 or more 1,123 3.7 6,300 2.8
 Median household income (dollars) $55,786 (X) $56,573 (X)
 Mean household income (dollars) $72,657 (X) $70,836 (X)
 With earnings 25,465 83.7 184,013 83.1
     Mean earnings (dollars) $71,689 (X) $69,147 (X)
 With Social Security 8,112 26.7 58,632 26.5
     Mean Social Security income (dollars) $17,133 (X) $16,806 (X)
 With retirement income 4,291 14.1 35,970 16.2
     Mean retirement income (dollars) $19,690 (X) $21,386 (X)
 With Supplemental Security Income 1,025 3.4 6,552 3.0
     Mean Supplemental Security Income (dollars) $8,412 (X) $8,539 (X)
 With cash public assistance income 793 2.6 3,444 1.6
     Mean cash public assistance income (dollars) $3,049 (X) $3,374 (X)
 With Food Stamp/SNAP benefits 1,676 5.5 12,666 5.7
PER CAPITA INCOME3 Number Percent Number Percent
Per capita personal income $57,522 (X) $50,567 (X)
Per capita personal current transfer receipts $6,417 (X) $6,343 (X)
Per capita dividends, interest, and rent $12,892 (X) $13,093 (X)
Average nonfarm proprietors' income $64,044 (X) $35,391 (X)
All families 1,273 6.3 10,532 7.2
     With related children under 18 years 1,029 10.5 8,494 12.4
 Married couple families 417 2.7 4,139 3.5
     With related children under 18 years 256 4.0 2,719 5.7
 Families with female householder, no husband present 790 23.5 5,472 28.4
     With related children under 18 years 707 30.5 4,982 36.2
All people 6,888 9.3 60,636 11.0
     Under 18 years 2,092 11.8 19,470 14.7
     18 to 64 years 4,133 8.7 36,902 10.6
     65 years and over 663 7.3 4,264 6.3
Total: 74,180 100.0 549,049 100.0
     Under .50 3,034 4.1 24,850 4.5
     .50 to .99 3,854 5.2 35,786 6.5
     1.00 to 1.24 2,864 3.9 19,623 3.6
     1.25 to 1.49 3,602 4.9 23,841 4.3
     1.50 to 1.84 5,069 6.8 37,058 6.7
     1.85 to 1.99 1,964 2.6 14,161 2.6
     2.00 and over 53,793 72.5 393,730 71.7
HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE2 Number Percent Number Percent
Civilian noninstitutionalized population 74,831 100.0 553,168 100.0
     With health insurance coverage 64,336 86.0 470,598 85.1
          With private health insurance 53,643 71.7 396,117 71.6
          With public coverage 19,221 25.7 141,018 25.5
     No health insurance coverage 10,495 14.0 82,570 14.9
 Civilian noninstitutionalized population under 18 years 18,103 100.0 134,264 100.0
      No health insurance coverage 1,493 8.2 11,766 8.8
HOUSING UNITS2 Number Percent Number Percent
Total housing units 33,952 100.0 261,430 100.0
     Occupied housing units 30,406 89.6 221,479 84.7
          Owner-occupied 21,285 70.0 155,659 70.3
          Renter-occupied 9,121 30.0 65,820 29.7
     Vacant housing units 3,546 10.4 39,951 15.3
  Homeowner vacancy rate (X) 1.9 (X) 1.7
  Rental vacancy rate (X) 6.7 (X) 7.9
UNITS IN STRUCTURE2 Number Percent Number Percent
Total housing units 33,952 100.0 261,430 100.0
     Single family units 24,831 73.1 182,817 69.9
     2 to 4 units 2,366 7.0 19,426 7.4
     5 to 9 units 669 2.0 8,872 3.4
     10 or more units 2,526 7.4 13,702 5.2
     Mobile home  3,503 10.3 36,251 13.9
     RV, van, boat, etc. 57 0.2 362 0.1
Total housing units 603 100.0 2,300 100.0
     Single family units 357 59.2 1,691 73.5
     2 to 4 units 0 0.0 126 5.5
     5 to more units 246 40.8 483 21.0
HOME VALUE2 Number Percent Number Percent
Owner-occupied units 21,285 100.0 155,659 100.0
     Less than $50,000 1,782 8.4 16,506 10.6
     $50,000 to $99,999 1,501 7.1 14,553 9.3
     $100,000 to $149,999 3,601 16.9 23,529 15.1
     $150,000 to $199,999 6,065 28.5 32,655 21.0
     $200,000 to $299,999 4,989 23.4 38,465 24.7
     $300,000 to $499,999 2,612 12.3 20,225 13.0
     $500,000 to $999,999 618 2.9 6,826 4.4
     $1,000,000 or more 117 0.5 2,900 1.9
 Median (dollars) $179,100 (X) $184,400 (X)
MORTGAGE STATUS2 Number Percent Number Percent
Owner-occupied units 21,285 100.0 155,659 100.0
     Housing units with a mortgage 13,279 62.4 94,301 60.6
     Housing units without a mortgage 8,006 37.6 61,358 39.4
GROSS RENT2 Number Percent Number Percent
Occupied units paying rent 8,591 100.0 58,693 100.0
     Less than $200 113 1.3 862 1.5
     $200 to $299 311 3.6 2,200 3.7
     $300 to $499 822 9.6 8,024 13.7
     $500 to $749 2,710 31.5 19,540 33.3
     $750 to $999 2,254 26.2 14,169 24.1
     $1,000 to $1,499 1,543 18.0 10,137 17.3
     $1,500 or more 838 9.8 3,761 6.4
 Median (dollars) $782 (X) $733 (X)
CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE5 (2013) Number Percent Number Percent
Labor Force 45,228 100.0 306,315 100.0
     Employment 43,323 95.8 292,096 95.4
     Unemployment 1,905 4.2 14,219 4.6
Unemployment Rate 4.2% (X) 4.6% (X)
Total 40,932 100.0 278,595 100.0
    Private 35,243 86.1 212,193 76.2
         Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, & Hunting 125 0.3 2,542 0.9
         Mining, Quarrying, & Oil & Gas Extraction 3,963 9.7 27,688 9.9
         Utilities 135 0.3 2,469 0.9
         Construction 2,922 7.1 21,500 7.7
         Manufacturing 1,860 4.5 9,357 3.4
         Wholesale Trade 2,739 6.7 9,166 3.3
         Retail Trade 4,764 11.6 29,444 10.6
         Transportation & Warehousing 1,144 2.8 9,554 3.4
         Information 468 1.1 3,902 1.4
         Financial Activities 1,954 4.8 10,754 3.9
         Professional & Business Services 3,070 7.5 18,010 6.5
         Educational & Health Services 5,721 14.0 25,324 9.1
         Leisure & Hospitality 4,303 10.5 33,923 12.2
         Other Services 2,076 5.1 8,564 3.1
    Government 5,689 13.9 66,403 23.8
         Federal Government 679 1.7 7,522 2.7
         State Government 721 1.8 13,343 4.8
         Local Government 4,289 10.5 45,538 16.3
TOTAL ANNUAL WAGES6 Number Percent Number Percent
Total $1,969,252,487 100.0 $12,419,640,108 100.0
    Private $1,694,009,018 86.0 $9,402,134,549 75.7
         Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, & Hunting $2,994,973 0.2 $77,320,968 0.6
         Mining, Quarrying, & Oil & Gas Extraction $358,851,550 18.2 $2,292,161,480 18.5
         Utilities $10,349,721 0.5 $201,510,613 1.6
         Construction $155,360,764 7.9 $1,060,383,641 8.5
         Manufacturing $97,093,583 4.9 $522,831,750 4.2
         Wholesale Trade $170,689,257 8.7 $527,492,048 4.2
         Retail Trade $135,105,745 6.9 $796,995,012 6.4
         Transportation & Warehousing $62,973,486 3.2 $452,562,477 3.6
         Information $18,389,617 0.9 $162,296,930 1.3
         Financial Activities $103,847,897 5.3 $528,141,060 4.3
         Professional & Business Services $145,871,007 7.4 $875,522,196 7.0
         Educational & Health Services $274,119,285 13.9 $1,017,875,287 8.2
         Leisure & Hospitality $68,644,837 3.5 $589,074,501 4.7
         Other Services $89,717,296 4.6 $297,966,586 2.4
    Government $275,243,469 14.0 $3,017,505,559 24.3
         Federal Government $45,927,984 2.3 $444,713,124 3.6
         State Government $38,582,699 2.0 $693,482,477 5.6
         Local Government $190,732,786 9.7 $1,879,309,958 15.1
AVERAGE ANNUAL WAGE6 Number Percent Number Percent
Total $48,110 100.0 $44,580 100.0
    Private $48,067 99.9 $44,309 99.4
         Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, & Hunting $24,008 49.9 $30,423 68.2
         Mining, Quarrying, & Oil & Gas Extraction $90,556 188.2 $82,787 185.7
         Utilities $76,523 159.1 $81,625 183.1
         Construction $53,178 110.5 $49,321 110.6
         Manufacturing $52,215 108.5 $55,879 125.3
         Wholesale Trade $62,312 129.5 $57,547 129.1
         Retail Trade $28,361 59.0 $27,069 60.7
         Transportation & Warehousing $55,047 114.4 $47,370 106.3
         Information $39,336 81.8 $41,599 93.3
         Financial Activities $53,140 110.5 $49,113 110.2
         Professional & Business Services $47,511 98.8 $48,614 109.0
         Educational & Health Services $47,915 99.6 $40,194 90.2
         Leisure & Hospitality $15,952 33.2 $17,365 39.0
         Other Services $43,222 89.8 $34,795 78.1
    Government $48,380 100.6 $45,442 101.9
         Federal Government $67,666 140.6 $59,122 132.6
         State Government $53,513 111.2 $51,973 116.6
         Local Government $44,468 92.4 $41,270 92.6
Total Commuting Out 1,676 100.0 22,542 100.0
     to Converse County, WY 657 39.2 1,222 5.4
     to Sublette County, WY 173 10.3 2,016 8.9
     to Campbell County, WY 113 6.7 4,290 19.0
     to Sweetwater County, WY 66 3.9 3,333 14.8
     to Carbon County, WY 64 3.8 789 3.5
     to All Other Counties  603 36.0 10,892 48.3
All Commuting In 2,080 100.0 29,946 100.0
     from Converse County, WY 915 44.0 1,872 6.3
     from Fremont County, WY 128 6.2 1,017 3.4
     from Park County, WY 75 3.6 994 3.3
     from Laramie County, WY 62 3.0 2,069 6.9
     from Montrose County, CO 53 2.5 68 0.2
     from All Other Counties 847 40.7 23,926 79.9
AGRICULTURE7 Number Percent Number Percent
Number of Farms 397 (X) 11,736 (X)
Land in Farms (thousands of acres) 1,691 (X) 30,364 (X)
Total Cash Receipts (thousands of dollars) $44,042 100.0 $1,663,761 100.0
     Livestock and Products $33,505 76.1 $1,235,198 74.2
     Crops $10,537 23.9 $428,563 25.8
Net Farm Income (thousands of dollars) $2,034 (X) $268,001 (X)
VALUATION AND TAXES8 Number Percent Number Percent
Total Assessed Valuation $1,255,227,453 100.0 $22,797,094,335 100.0
    Non-Minerals $847,364,929 67.5 $9,290,528,889 40.8
         Agriculture $9,431,191 0.8 $253,014,175 1.1
         Residential  $466,848,838 37.2 $4,292,823,158 18.8
         Commercial $208,511,809 16.6 $1,198,642,514 5.3
         Industrial $110,188,529 8.8 $2,162,592,241 9.5
         Other $52,384,562 4.2 $1,383,456,801 6.1
    Minerals $407,862,524 32.5 $13,506,565,446 59.2
         Oil $359,684,399 28.7 $4,229,997,989 18.6
         Natural gas $44,397,391 3.5 $4,470,657,938 19.6
         Coal $0 0.0 $4,054,979,229 17.8
         Other minerals $3,780,734 0.3 $750,930,290 3.3
Total Property Taxes $88,205,189 (X) $1,463,519,560 (X)
Average Mill Levy 70.3 (X) 64.2 (X)
4% Sales and Use Tax Collections $101,878,446 (X) $700,228,831 (X)
LANDOWNERSHIP9 (square miles) Number Percent Number Percent
Total Land 5,340.4 100.0 97,093.1 100.0
    U.S. Government 2,318.7 43.4 46,535.4 47.9
         National Park Service 0.0 0.0 3,657.6 3.8
         Forest Service 8.6 0.2 14,390.9 14.8
         Fish and Wildlife 2.4 0.0 80.3 0.1
         Bureau of Land Management 2,263.0 42.4 27,162.8 28.0
         Bureau of Reclamation 44.6 0.8 1,243.8 1.3
    Wyoming 620.4 11.6 6,042.7 6.2
         State Lands Commission 619.4 11.6 5,773.5 5.9
         Recreation Commission 0.8 0.0 11.8 0.0
         Game and Fish 0.2 0.0 257.4 0.3
    Local Government 25.3 0.5 192.0 0.2
         County 12.9 0.2 36.7 0.0
         City and Town 11.6 0.2 78.3 0.1
         School District and College 0.8 0.0 44.3 0.0
    Other Lands 13.3 0.2 3,155.5 3.2
 Surface Water 35.8 0.7 735.2 0.8
 Total Public 2,977.8 55.8 55,925.5 57.6
 Total Private 2,362.6 44.2 41,167.6 42.4
Number of School Districts 1 (X) 48 (X)
Number of Schools 35 (X) 351 (X)
Fall Enrollment 12,750 (X) 90,993 (X)
Composite ACT score (Grade 11) 18.9 (X) 19.7 (X)
High School Graduates (4 year on time) 739 (X) 5,300 (X)
     Graduation Rate 74.1% (X) 77.6% (X)
Average Daily Membership (ADM) 12,538 (X) 89,832 (X)
Certified Teachers 901 (X) 7,350 (X)
Certified Staff 237 (X) 1,538 (X)
Administration 61 (X) 746 (X)
Classified Staff 931 (X) 6,940 (X)
Students Transported Daily 5,344 (X) 31,351 (X)
Total General Fund Revenues $172,504,633 (X) $1,370,360,482 (X)
Total General Fund Expenditures $166,753,878 (X) $1,353,837,570 (X)
Operating Cost Per ADM $15,349 (X) $17,156 (X)
% of Students with Free or Reduced Lunch (2013-14) 38.7% (X) 37.6% (X)
CRIME11  Number Percent Number Percent
Violent Crime 151 100.0 1,086 100.0
     Murder 3 2.0 14 1.3
     Forcible Rape 7 4.6 147 13.5
     Robbery 12 7.9 60 5.5
     Aggravated Assault 129 85.4 865 79.7
Property Crime 2,346 100.0 12,791 100.0
     Burglary 473 20.2 2,061 16.1
     Larceny-Theft 1,740 74.2 10,182 79.6
     Motor Vehicle Theft 133 5.7 548 4.3
TRANSPORTATION12 Number Percent Number Percent
Number of Registered Vehicles 118,069 100.0 883,401 100.0
     Passenger Cars 48,230 40.8 348,250 39.4
     Trucks 33,282 28.2 251,400 28.5
     Motorcycles 4,582 3.9 29,853 3.4
     Trailers (including house trailers) 23,946 20.3 196,395 22.2
     University of Wyoming Specialty Plates (cars & trucks) 566 0.5 5,025 0.6
     Commercial Trucks & Trailers 3,155 2.7 24,901 2.8
     Others 4,308 3.6 27,577 3.1
Road (miles) 1,597 100.0 29,070 100.0
     Federal  26 1.7 4,089 14.1
     State Highway 350 21.9 6,752 23.2
     County Road 797 49.9 14,620 50.3
     Local (City & Town) 350 21.9 2,431 8.4
     Other 74 4.6 1,178 4.1
Per Capita Vehicle Miles Traveled 11,210 (X) 15,659 (X)
Commercial Airport Passengers 175,351 (X) 997,818 (X)
HEALTH CARE AND RISK FACTORS13 Number Percent Number Percent
Licensed Hospitals 2 (X) 27 (X)
     Bed Capacity 214 (X) 1,386 (X)
Licensed Nursing Care Facilities 3 (X) 38 (X)
     Bed Capacity 432 (X) 2,950 (X)
     Occupancy Rate 89.4% (X) 80.9% (X)
Medicaid Beneficiaries 12,968 16.5 87,069 15.1
Enrollment in State Children Health Insurance Program 1,277 6.5 8,846 6.2
Percent of Adults with BMI (weight in kg/height in meters squared) Larger Than 30 26.8% (X) 25.2% (X)
Percent of Adults who reported having 5 or more drinks on an occasion at least once in the past 30 days  15.0% (X) 15.6% (X)
Percent of Adults who reported having smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their life time and are currently smoking 27.8% (X) 22.2% (X)
1  U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division
2  U.S. Census Bureau, 2012 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates
3  U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
4  U.S. Census Bureau, Building Permits Survey
5  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics
6  Wyoming Department of Workforce Services and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
7  U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis  
8  Wyoming Department of Revenue
9  University of Wyoming, Department of Geography & Recreation; and U.S. Census Bureau
10 Wyoming Department of Education
11 Wyoming Attorney General's Office
12 Wyoming Department of Transportation
13 Wyoming Department of Health and Wyoming Department of Family Services